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这支笔好写。The pen is written wonderfully.

这树长得快得惊人。The tree grows wonderfully fast.

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卡马乔是一个很和蔼的教练。Wonderfully is a very kind coach.

但是价格低的难以置信。But the prices are wonderfully low.

她的面孔俊俏极了。She has a wonderfully beautiful face.

当然这是一封文笔很好的信。A wonderfully written email, of course.

那是她平生众多个第一次中的一个,她原本觉得醉酒是那么地自由,多么美妙!She’d been feeling so wonderfully free!

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是的,的确很令人振奋。Right. Well, it is wonderfully exciting.

她极具荒诞派的幽默感。She has a wonderfully absurd sense of humor.

这首钢琴协奏曲演奏得很好。The piano concerto was wonderfully rendered.

而且他还是一位非常细致的音乐家。And he was a wonderfully meticulous musician.

这些早期的冲突非常有趣。These early encounters are wonderfully funny.

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一些具有良好的技能的人可以滑的很好。Some with good skills could skate wonderfully.

那位教授的英语发音很漂亮。That professor pronounces English wonderfully.

那地方的小吃惊人的好吃。The snack of that place tastes wonderfully good.

这极其荒谬。It's extraordinarily and wonderfully inappropriate.

她就是一个正常的、理智的人。She's just a wonderfully normal, levelheaded person.

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本书虽短,而可读性尤佳。Though the book is short, it is wonderfully readable.

杭州,茶馆是西湖完美的装点Hangzhou, Tea houses Wonderfully Ornament the West Lake

他非常出色地扮演了希金斯这个角色。He interpreted the role of Professor Higgins wonderfully.