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你把鸡蛋煮得太老了。You overdid the eggs.

他们当然过度报道了。Of course they overdid it.

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我们摄取的卡路里太多了。We overdid it on the calories.

我在健身房练得过火了,结果弄伤了背。I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back.

我劳累过度,损坏了我的心脏。I overdid it at work and damaged my heart.

我觉得我昨晚喝多了。I think I overdid the drinking last night.

我们把肉煮得太久,结果味道不好了。We overdid the meat and it didn't taste good.

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他所表现出来的忠诚有些过分。He put on so much loyalty that he overdid it.

批评他是可以的,不过你说得过头了。It was all right to criticize him, but you overdid it.

美国,爱尔兰和西班牙都一样。The Americans, the Irish and the Spanish all overdid it.

享受了一顿盛宴,但你感觉吃多了。You had a great feast, but you feel like you overdid it.

在节假日期间,也许你对待决心有些于认真,或者较真。Maybe you overdid it a little during the holidays. Or maybe a lot.

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德国则从老派的经济结构中获益良多。Perhaps they overdid it. Germany benefits from an old-fashioned structure.

他上周六踢球太猛了,现在浑身疼痛。He rather overdid it last Saturday playing football, and now he's aching all over.

她热爱孩子,也能和孩子处得很好,但很显然,那种爱有些过了。She loves children, she is very good with children, but obviously she overdid herself.

第二,由于美国在安然丑闻之后过分地对金融业进行规制,便得许多公司在寻找投资场所时转而选择了伦敦。then America overdid the regulation after the scandals at Enron, so many firms seeking listings chose London instead.

如果你做得还不够好,饮食超标了,你现在应该有更多的动力,今天开始做运动。If you haven’t been doing great, and you overdid it, you should now have more than enough fuel to start exercising today.

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平时已经补得那么足,如果到冬至再大补特补,很可能就要补过头了。Had filled so sufficiently at ordinary times, if arrive solstitial fill especially greatly again, be about probably to fill overdid.