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这个方法被用来坎尼王景荣谋杀。This method was used in Canny Ong murder.

这是一项精明的策略,而且运行良好。It is a canny strategy and has worked well.

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我是个精明的谈判者,又及其善于言辞。I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker.

这个精明的苏格兰人比骗子还历害。The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers.

他的律师哈巴·斯达格看上去很乖巧。His lawyer, Harper Steger, looked very shrewd and canny to them.

尽管语气中颇有敬意,有时候甚至逢迎,但他很谨慎。Though his tone was respectful, sometimes obsequious , he was also canny.

精心设计、用心施工、热忱服务是我们的工作宗旨。Aborative design, canny construction and cordial service are our job tenet.

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但是,如果学生无法进入英国,这些精明的市场营销策略就是徒劳。But if students cannot make it into Britain, such canny marketing is in vain.

直到有谨慎的用户建议匿名共享文件网络流量才开始恢复。But only until canny web users figured out the way to share files anonymously.

在周五进行的半决赛中,邹就显示出力压群雄的实力。In his semifinal bout Friday night, Zou showed a canny ability to work the crowd.

首批拟投入1.5亿元注册成立成都康力电梯有限公司,后续投资将按项目进度逐步投入。The first investment of 150m Yuan will be used to establish the Chengdu Canny Elevator Co.

这位于16年前第一次当选意大利总理,现在已经年已74岁的总理大人是一位非常有名的机智的斗士。Italy’s 74-year-old prime minister, first elected 16 years ago, is a famously canny fighter.

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适用于精梳高支纱的测试,可设定纱样长度,对纱线及条子进行自动称重、计算、打印。Fitting density text for canny comb yarn, can set up yarn leng h, to weigh, calculate and print.

然而,精明的游吟诗人可以只靠讯息术这个把戏就可以一直达到这个效果。Meanwhile, canny Bards have been able to do this the whole time simply by using the Message cantrip.

梁芷珊,香港理工大学毕业后,曾从事多项不同性质工作,才华备受各界肯定。After graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ms Canny Leung has excelled in different fields.

当然了,这也让精明消费者们的消费者们以后更希望在接受信息之前知道其来源了。Naturally, then, canny information consumers will want to know the source of a message before they read it.

经济物质在经过多年的小心或者精明的消费计划在慢慢转变好,突然间事情都有变好的突破。Finance and Material Well Being After years of caution or canny planning, suddenly things change for the better.

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不管这到底是反道德腐败运动还是精明的政治竞选策略,对俄罗斯和乌克兰来说禁止赌博都将是一个高风险的举措。Whether moral crusade or canny campaign move, the decision to ban gambling in Russia and Ukraine is a risky play.

此次展会,康力电梯与土耳其的独家代理合作,在同一展台共同展出。Over this elevator exhibition, Canny cooperated with its exclusive agent and showed together in one stand in Hall 7.

Canny算子视频分割中运用了图像的边缘检测方法,把图像的边缘提取出来对图像进行分割。Canny operator video segmentation is a method that gets the edge of image and segments it by using image edge detection.