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判决者必须在双方当事人中做公正的裁决。The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties.

大会不设上诉,以总裁判的最终判决为准。No appeals will be accepted. The decision of the Chief Adjudicator shall be final.

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大会不设上诉,一切赛果以总裁判的最后判决为准。No appeal will be accepted. The final decision of the Chief Adjudicator will be final.

作为一个裁定者,对任何执行该程序中出现的问题行使其职权。Function as an adjudicator on any issues arising from the implementation of this procedure.

世界第一大狗”的头衔是在世界纪录审裁员核实后公布的。His title was announced after a special Guinness World Records adjudicator visited the lofty hound to verify his measurements.

参赛者只有在裁判员5分钟记忆时间结束之后方能摆牌。Contestants must not begin recalling their pack until the adjudicator has announced that the 5-minute memorization period is complete.

参赛者只要在评判员5分钟记忆工夫终了之前圆能摆牌完成。Contestants must not begin recalling their pack until the adjudicator has announced that the 5-minute memorization period is complete.

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虽阎王判官小鬼只为传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人们所称道。Though the legend of the Hades, adjudicator and ghost is unreal, the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people.

来自吉尼斯世界纪录的一名评审员特地从伦敦飞往底特律为这块杯蛋糕进行测量,并向前来参加车展的数百民众公布了这一记录。An adjudicator from Guinness had flown in from London, especially to measure the cupcake and announced the record to a crowd of hundreds at the motor show.

另外,她也曾在金钥匙音乐节、音乐教育家协会和新泽西音乐俱乐部联盟的试音中担任评审。In addition, she has served as an adjudicator for the Golden Key Festival audition, Music Educators Association Annual audition and The New Jersey Federation of Music Club audition.