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他的前额呈半球形凸起。His forehead domed out in a curve.

突出的后脑,拱形的头顶。Prominent nuchal crest. Domed skull.

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泰姬的四周围绕着四个小穹顶。Four domed chambers surround the Taj.

脑袋略微圆拱,中等宽度。The skull slightly domed and medium broad.

适当宽些并略呈球形。Skull is moderately broad and slightly domed.

杏芽开放进入圆顶奶油白色花环。Apricot buds open into domed creamy-white rosettes.

一个黑暗的屋顶被竖立起来,遮盖住了圆顶玻璃天花板。A dingy roof was erected, hiding a domed glass ceiling.

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之后,伊万,一个将达到三个圆顶大厅。After the iwan, one would have reached three domed halls.

头骨是半球形的,枕骨凸起十分明显。The skull is well domed , showing a pronounced occipital protuberance.

圆顶城市和会飞的汽车并未出现。The domed cities and flying cars we expected have failed to materialize.

不管怎样,我们已经拥有很多碟形建筑物和半球形汽车,这些会伴随我们一起度过难关。We had plenty of saucer-shaped buildings and domed cars to tide us over.

据预测,在将来的20年后,人类将生活在装有穹顶的城市中。It has also been predicted that in 20 years man will live in domed cities.

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脑袋的长度适中,略微圆拱,止部清晰整洁。The skull is of medium length, slightly domed , with a clearly defined stop.

“巨蛋”如今已然“浮出水面”,而“鸟巢”则是“停工待盖”。" domed stadium" Now become "surface" and "nest" is the "work to be covered.

这场斗争现在已经从地方法院转移到了黄金圆顶的国会。The fight has now moved from the courthouse to the gold- domed state capitol.

维多利亚州立图书馆中央阅读室,墨尔本。The Domed Reading Room of the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.

牛仔球场是一个拥有可伸缩的圆拱形屋顶,位于德州阿灵顿。Cowboys Stadium is a domed stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington, Texas.

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这是一个有穹顶的大理石建筑,是华盛顿国会大厦略小一些的翻版。It is a domed marble building, a slightly smaller copy of Washington's Capitol.

在房间的正中是一块巨大的水晶,它被置于一个黑色基座上的一只圆盒中。A large crystal is inside a domed case on a black pedestal which dominates the room.

贡夫再次将小球抛出。这次小球缓缓地向穹顶天花板飘去。Gromph tossed the ball again, this time lobbing it high up toward the domed ceiling.