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但总体的消息还是令人鼓舞。But the news overall is cheerier.

总之花椒全身都是宝。Overall pepper body is a treasure.

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一个更好的血糖检测指标。A better index of overall glycemia.

一篇不错的总论。A good overall review of the field.

整体橱柜设计作品KD做的!KD overall cabinet design work done!

我们非常喜欢新的蝰蛇设计。We like the design of Viper overall.

WOA是总的SOA风格中的一种子风格。A sub-style of the overall SOA style.

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一个球队的健康状况保持得逆天。A team has incredible overall health.

整体来看PTA跌势未改。Overall PTA declines are not modified.

该条约的总体目标是什么?What is the overall goal of the treaty ?

主持赣榆县全面工作。Preside the overall work of Ganyu County.

——必须坚持统筹兼顾。We must persist in overall consideration.

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那么,在总体设计方面需要考虑哪些问题?What are the overall design considerations?

久而久之,我们的班集体就会整体落下。As time passes, our class will overall drop.

负责高新区的全面工作。In charge of overall work of High-tech Zone.

分为整体式和分体式两种结构。Into the overall structure and split in two.

不过我还没有听说过一个很全面的好答案。But I have yet to hear a good overall answer.

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对于整体上教堂灯光你满不满意?。Do you satisfy the visual comfort in overall?

使我们失望的是他不顾大局。His regardless of overall status let us down.

今年数学竞赛的冠军是刘若川。The overall winner this year is Ruochuan Liu.