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大多学者认为这些书信是伪典。Most of us scholars believe that these letters are pseudonymous.

他们没有说作者是何许人,而且,他们也没有使用笔名。They don't tell us who their author is. Notice, they're not pseudonymous.

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笔名的意思是用一个假名发表,以一个假作者的名义。Pseudonymous means it's published with a false name, a false author attributed.

阿布加和耶稣之间的通信,学者称其为冒名信。the letter of Abgar to Jesus and of Jesus to Abgar, scholars call that pseudonymous.

信里还有哪些地方,让你们觉得它们是冒名写成的?好的,先生。What else about the letters that you heard might tip you off that they're pseudonymous? Yes sir.

我倾向将三封书信放在一起,可能由同一作者所写而且都是伪典。I tend to group all three of them together as being probably by the same author and all being pseudonymous.

沟通参与者的身份是公开的还是匿名的抑或使用笔名的,对沟通模式也有影响。Communication patterns are also affected by whether participants' identities are known, anonymous, or pseudonymous.

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在我看来,我认为,好吧,如果你想冒保罗之名写一封伪书信,怎样才能让人相信它是真的?In my mind I'm thinking okay if you want to write a pseudonymous letter and claim to be Paul, how do you make it convincing?

9月中旬,也就是华府宣布军售案前一周,人民日报的一篇匿名评论员文章指出,对台军售是一出“政治闹剧”。In mid-September, a week before the U.S. announcement, a pseudonymous opinion piece in the People's Daily declared the arms sales process "a political farce."

有时如果你在写一封冒名书信,你会在信里提到说,现在有人散布冒我之名写的信,我谴责他们这么做。Sometimes if you're writing a pseudonymous letter you'll put a reference saying,well now some people have been circulating pseudonymous letters by me and I condemn them for it.

金融机构不得为身份不明的客户提供服务或者与其进行交易,不得为客户开立匿名账户或者假名账户。A financial institution shall not provide any service to or have trade with any client who cannot clarify his identity or establish any anonymous or pseudonymous account therefor.

金融机构不得为身份不明的客户提供服务或者与其进行交易,不得为客户开立匿名账户或者假名账户。A financial institution shall not provide any service to or have any business transaction with a client whose identity is unclear or open any anonymous or pseudonymous account for a client.

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这四卷福音并非用笔名所写,因为我们认为这些福音最早的手稿,没有署上“马太福音,马可福音,路加福音,约翰福音The four gospels are not pseudonymous because the earliest manuscripts of these gospels,we believe, did not contain the titles,"Gospel of Matthew,Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke,Gospel of John."

这四卷福音并非用笔名所写,因为我们认为这些福音最早的手稿,没有署上“马太福音,马可福音,路加福音,约翰福音“The four gospels are not pseudonymous because the earliest manuscripts of these gospels,we believe, did not contain the titles,"Gospel of Matthew,Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke,Gospel of John."