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即使你很固执,我也认为您养育孩子是相当容易的。I imagine it's pretty easy to raise your kid if you're bigoted.

切莫对任何习俗执迷不悟以致于以真理的代价来崇拜它。Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship it at the expense of truth.

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宗教人士倾向于更狭隘、盲从和不通人情。Religious people tend to be the most bigoted and non-accepting people on earth.

虔诚婆子议论一个笃信宗教的妇人来比蛇口蝎尾还恶毒。A bigoted woman prating of a devout woman is more venomous than the asp and the cobra.

这可能是我这一生中最后一个恶作剧了,所以,我想他们应该可以原谅我这个顽固的老头子吧。That may be the last mischief in my life, so I guess they may pardon the bigoted old man.

偏执的迷信有它的犹太人需要对各种礼仪习俗异教徒的血。Bigoted superstition had it that Jews needed the blood of heathens for various ritual practices.

他第一个证明了主流流行的受众并不像很多人想象的一样心胸狭隘。He was the first person to prove mainstream pop audiences were less bigoted than some had feared.

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布恩是一名出色的生物学家,但谈起政治和宗教,他却有些顽固不化。Boon was a brilliant biologist who was somewhat bigoted when it came to discussing politics or religion.

酒色之徒查理的那个刚愎自用的王位继承者詹姆士二世废止了所有的殖民地宪章。James II, the bigoted successor of Charles the Voluptuous, had annulled the charters of all the colonies.

现在,无线广播电台和报纸必须考虑更广泛、更新鲜的受众,不要再一味地迎合地方。Radio stations and newspapers must now consider the larger, newer audience, and stop the bigoted pandering.

这种情况可能让我们成了全世界最吵闹、最固执己见的国家。This kind of circumstance may let us become the state with the the most clamorous , most bigoted whole world.

他说他的国家形成了这样一种狭隘的观念,那就是“阿拉伯人或穆斯林不会实现民主。”He acknowledged that his country had bought into the bigoted notion “that Arabs or Muslims can't do democracy.

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珍妮固执己见的父亲将小女婴自珍妮那抱走,送至一所遥远的女修道院让修女抚养。Jeanne's bigoted father takes the baby away from her and has it conveyed to a remote nunnery to be reared by the nuns.

它述及的案例是个人,致力于检视生命,力抗,一群顽固及偏狭的民众。It sets the case for the individual committed to the examined life over and against a bigoted and prejudiced multitude.

我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。Diderot, he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire.

我痛恨伊斯兰教,因为这是一种可恶的偏执的性别歧视的宗教,压迫所有的人。I have hatred towards Islam because it is a hatefull bigoted sexist religion which is oppressing people all around the world.

再则,其他的学生及其家长们,要不就可能会集会抗议她的这种言论,要不就会因为她的这种心胸狭窄的言论而感到不安。Other students and parents might rally to her cause, or, alternately, they too might feel threatened by her bigoted positions.

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以下是六部电视剧集中顶级反英雄角色,从固执的侦探到花言巧语的广告商,我们遗漏了哪些?下面我们一起来看看。So here's six of the TV's top anti-heroes – from bigoted detectives to smooth talking ad-men. What have we missed? Let us know

而将工业上的集体管理原则加以无限制扩张的思想甚至让那些心胸最为偏狭的社会主义政治家们也会感到不寒而栗。The very thought of an expansion of public management of industries makes even the most bigoted socialist politicians shudder.

许多人认为,特朗普在竞选巡回演讲上拥护的反移民政策和狭隘言论造成了这波骚动,而这受到白人至上主义者的欢庆。Many credit the wave to his anti-immigrant and bigoted rhetoric espoused on the campaign trail, celebrated by white supremacists.