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贝尔曼嚷道,谁说我不愿意来着?Yelled Behrman. Who said I vill not bose?

百色哪里有洞箫学习?。Where does Bose have vertical bamboo flute to study?

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因此,我们需要收取交通费1500元玻色。So we need charge Bose the transportation fee RMB1500.

二十五岁领导了广西百色起义,建立了红七军。Bose Uprising in Guangxi and helped establish the Seventh Army of the Red Army.

另一个相干相消的粒子,就是Bose耳机。So, another example of destructive interference is just with the Bose headphones.

“解决18世纪的难题并不需要24世纪的技术”,Bose说。"You don't need to have 24th century solutions to solve 18th century problems, " Bose says.

研究了超冷玻色气体中的电磁感应透明现象。Electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in ultracold Bose gas were investigated.

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我认识了一个什么东西都会修的人,从我女儿会说话的巴尼玩具到我们的Bose收音机。I knew a guy who could repair anything from my daughter’s talking Barney to our Bose Wave radio.

您可以使用手机在百色入耳耳机与兼容手机很多,包括最新的音乐手机。You can use the Bose mobile in-ear headset with many compatible phones, including the latest music phones.

位于广西田东和田阳县境内的布兵盆地,是百色盆地东南部边缘的一个小型附属盆地。Bubing basin, located at Tiandong and Tianyang County, is an adjunctive small basin at southeastern Bose basin.

波士还增加了声音处理技术,改进了高低声部的音质同时模拟了周边环境。Bose also crammed in sound-processing technology that improves both bass and treble and simulates surround sound.

从含时微扰论的角度出发,重新求解了与玻色场相耦合的两态系统的动力学。With the time-dependent perturbation theory, the dynamics of a two-level system coupled to an Bose field is revisited.

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这一壮举最初是由爱因斯坦和玻色在1925年时提出,现在它的实现会使电子设备尺寸再次缩小。The feat, proposed by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose in 1925, could help shrink the size of electronic devices.

儿童娱乐室、音乐室、健身房及7个淋浴室,乘客将感觉登机之前的时光异常短暂。The children's playroom, Bose music room, exercise room and seven showers will make the time fly till your boarding call.

我的五哥乔迪楞德拉负责一个政治协会,老拉吉那拉因•鲍斯是这协会的主席。My fourth brother, Jyotirindra, was responsible for a political association of which old Rajnarain Bose was the president.

百色起义和右江革命根据地的斗争需要军民坚定的理想信念。The struggle in Bose Uprising and Youjiang Revolutionary Base Area needed the army and the people's firm ideals and beliefs.

弗格森表示波塞庞的伤比较重,“伤势看起来真得很严重,小孩已经被送到了医院。”Ferguson Bose Pang said the relatively heavy injuries, "really look very seriously injured children were sent to the hospital."

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于是决定趁涨潮时先攻下鹿耳门,然后绕道从背后攻打赤嵌玻。He therefore decided to take advantage of high tide when the deer Germain scored, and then pass from behind the attack Chiqian Bose.

在一种实施方式中,线性阵列包括24个2.25英寸的由USA,Massachusetts,ramingham的Bose公司制造的声学马区动器。In one implementation, the line array includes 24 2.25 inch acoustic drivers manufactured by Bose Corporation of Framingham, Mass. , USA.

对由空间离散分布的夸克-胶子等离子体热滴发射的玻色子,本文进行了多粒子玻色关联的蒙特卡罗模拟研究。The multiparticle Bose correlations of bosons emitted from dispersed thermal droplets of quark-gluon plasma are simulated by Monte Carlo.