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这里太闷热了!It's sweltering here!

在闷热蒸腾的夏天正午In the sweltering haze of summer-noon

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它能在零下20摄氏度的条件下工作,也可以在60摄氏度的酷热条件下工作。It should work in -20C conditions to a sweltering 60C.

雅加达实际不过是一大堆闷热的棚户和茅舍。Djakarta was a collection of sweltering huts and hovels.

尽管闷热难当,我们已经跑过了一连串的里程碑。Even in the sweltering heat, the milestones keep coming.

炽烈的光阴把汗水滴到花盆中把花儿浇透。In sweltering hot days, water your flower by your sweat.

他在佛罗里达州汗流夹背,而我们在这里却冷得发抖。He is sweltering in Florida while we are freezing up here.

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这次审判在田纳西酷热的夏季进行八天。The trial took eight days in the sweltering Tennessee summer.

因为秋天结束了炎热又漫长的夏季。Because the autumn finish the sweltering and far-flung summer.

宁愿冰冷至死,也不愿抱著馀温回忆。Rather cold and death, do not want to hold sweltering memories.

在闷热的夏天,绿色的华盖就像一个凉棚。The green canopy serves as a cool shelter during the sweltering summer.

这些蔬菜在闷热的日子里,可以提高孩子们的食欲。These vegetables can improve children's appetite in the sweltering days.

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一个闷热的星期天下午,博物馆门口长长的队伍排到了路旁。Still, on a sweltering Sunday afternoon, the line stretched down the street.

儿童基金会说,夏季闷热的天气让这些问题更加难以应对。It says these problems are made even more difficult by the sweltering summer heat.

同样的,生活在山地的物种也会觉得酷热的低地难以忍受。Similarly, most mountain-dwelling species find the sweltering lowlands unbearable.

上个星期,俄罗斯首都的气温创纪录地达到37.7C,热得令人透不过气来。The Russian capital is sweltering in temperatures that reached a record 37.7C last week.

北京最近正在经历59年来最寒冷的冬季,而它的经济却热得冒汗。BEIJING recently suffered its lowest temperature in 59 years, but the economy is sweltering.

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六月的一天,烈日高照,一群年轻人在街头分发着传单。On a sweltering day in June, a bunch of young people was handing out leaflets to passers-by.

优衣库的高科技含量服饰使得穿衣人在酷暑时少出汗,这是很省心的。Uniqlo's high-tech clothing makes wearers sweat less during sweltering summers, which is handy.

如果感觉这个听起来就像华盛顿特区闷热夏季里的茶党人一样疯狂,你可能已经得到原谅。You may be forgiven for thinking this sounds as crazy as, well, a Tea Partier in a sweltering D.