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该麻醉师可以改变药物的处理与此有关。The anaesthetist can change the drug to deal with this.

黄志明博士还拥有医学博士学位并获得了麻醉师资格。Dr Wong also has a medical doctorate and is a qualified Anaesthetist.

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如果您对麻醉有什么问题,都可以问您的麻醉师。If you any questions about anaesthesia, you can ask your anaesthetist.

我的父亲是名麻醉师,我有时跟他去参加会议。My late father was an anaesthetist and I occasionally attended conferences with him.

在麻醉师给病人施行麻醉以后,手术才能进行。Only after the anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic, could the operation be conducted.

你应该告诉麻醉师如果您有遇到任何过敏反应麻醉在过去的。You should tell the anaesthetist if you have experienced any allergic reaction to anaesthetic in the past.

之前有一硬膜外,你的家庭医生或麻醉师会跟您谈谈您的健康和医疗的历史。Before having an epidural , your GP or anaesthetist will talk to you about your health and medical history.

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您的脉搏,血压的压力,将采取和麻醉师将检查您的复苏进展良好。Your pulse and blood pressure will be taken and the anaesthetist will check that your recovery is progressing well.

“休克毯”通过挤压病人腿部,推动血液向身体上部流动,到达心脏和脑部。The "shock sheet", invented by a British anaesthetist , squeezes blood from the legs, boosting blood flow to the heart and brain.

因此麻醉师和外科医师必须咨询患者的意见,并根据每个人的特点来决定采用那种麻醉方式。The anaesthetist and surgeon, in consultation with the patient, should decide which anaesthetic technique to use on an individual basis.

1995年,一名苏格兰麻醉师由于给两名婴儿注射了致命剂量的吗啡而在津巴布韦被判有罪。In 1995, a Scottish anaesthetist was convicted in Zimbabwe of the deaths of two infant whom he had injected with lethal doses of morphine.