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蹒跚而行还是一蹶不振?Stumble or slump?

玩具业现在不景气。The toy industry is in a slump.

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在市场下挫时你能够享有高派息。In a slump you can enjoy good dividends.

片名阿拉蕾。剧场版。你好!奇异岛。Dr. Slump Arale-chan Hello! Strange Island.

下午精神不振时补充些能量饮料。Iron energy drink for your afternoon slump.

这将使美国经济仲次陷入衰退。This would return the economy into a slump.

最近以来,电子产品的价格暴跌。The price of electronic products slump recently.

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许多小企业在经济衰退时破了产。Many small businesses smashed up during the slump.

秋初,抵押贷款市场依然萎靡。Into early autumn, the mortgage market continued to slump.

由于经营不善,公司利润骤降。Through bad operation, the company had a slump in profits.

他在住宅市场暴跌中应对的相当好。He has dealt reasonably well with the housing-market slump.

经济萧条可能影响相关产业部门,如钢铁生产。A slump could drag down other sectors such as steel production.

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避免在放置之前重新混合混凝土来增加坍落度。Avoid retempering concrete to increase slump prior to placement.

雷辛格认为房市衰退可谓是塞翁失马。Mr. Reisinger views the housing slump as a blessing in disguise.

重力流沉积作用的机制包括洪水类型和滑塌类型。The mechanism of sedimentation includes flood type and slump type.

今天标普500指数下跌幅度抹去了当月累计的上涨幅度。Today’s equity slump erased the month-to-date gain in the S&P 500.

该岛的电子产业正在经历历史上最严重的萧条时期。The island’s electronics industry is enduring its worst-ever slump.

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华尔街低迷不振,整个经济不景气。Wall Street is in a slump and the economy is down across the board.

但是最令人震惊的是,经济萧条的同步性一如其严重性。But the slump was as striking for its synchronicity as its severity.

股市周一大幅反弹,终止了一周的疲软。Stocks kicked back into rally mode Monday, ending a week-long slump.