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它是一个对手?Is it a rival?

他输给了自己的对手。He lost out to his rival.

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他以祈祷来降伏了对手。He prayed down his rival.

实际上他是人的合做对手。He is, in effect, my rival.

没人能敌得过他的口才。No one can rival him in eloquence.

拳击手以3比0击败了对手。The boxer whaled his rival 3 to 0.

现在我们得到了两种对立的解释So we've got two rival explanations.

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司法官被他的对手杀死。The sheriff was killed by his rival.

在这方面没有人能比得上他。No one can rival him in this respect.

他幸灾乐祸地看着他对手的败落。He gloated over the ruin of his rival.

央视一定试图阻挠对手。It must be tempting to nobble a rival.

因此故意对付对手肯定很有吸引力。It must be tempting to nobble a rival.

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两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.

火车在速度上比不过飞机。Trains can't rival aircraft for speed.

正如生活中一些帮派都有自己的标识。Graffiti mark the turfs of rival gangs.

他是从一家竞争的公司挖过来的。He was headhunted from a rival company.

这方面无人能与他匹敌。No one could rival him in this respect.

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五十铃汽车股价也下跌。Shares in rival Isuzu Motors also fell.

他像是能和奥萨马本拉登媲美的人。He is like Osama bin Laden's arch rival.

没有东西能比得上棉花的耐久力…Nothing can rival cotton for durability.