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图中为法国波尔多地区的证券交易所广场。在这本旅游指南上,波尔多市被选为2017年度最佳旅游城市。Place de la Bourse in Bordeaux, France. Bordeaux is the guide's top city to visit in 2017.

除美国交易所外,欧美各大交易所均未实现大型IPO。Outside dividing American bourse, euramerican each are big bourse all unfulfilment is large IPO.

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除纽约证券交易所外,欧美各大交易所均未实现大型IPO。Outside dividing new York stock exchange, euramerican each are big bourse all unfulfilment is large IPO.

花旗在今年稍早时买下日本券商日兴Cordial,并在东京交易所上市.但目前,花旗正致力于重整其在日本的业务,这包括如何处置日兴Cordial旗下的私人直接投资业务.boosted its presence in Japan earlier this year by buying Japanese brokerage Nikko Cordial and listing on the Tokyo bourse.

裕利安怡集团荣获标准普尔AA-财务评级,是巴黎证交所120大上市公司之一。AA- rated by Standard amp Poor's, Euler Hermes is one of the top 120 companies listed on the Premier Marche of the Paris Bourse.

以首席执行长邓肯•尼德奥尔为首的纽交所管理层有很强的动力来推动与德意志交易所的合并。The NYSE management team, lead by chief executive Duncan Niederauer, has a strong incentive to push for the Deutsche Bourse deal.

东京证交所的一位发言人说,该交易所不大可能因这份声明而对富士通予以处罚。Nozoe's resignation. A Tokyo Stock Exchange spokesman said it is unlikely for the bourse to impose any penalty for this amendment.

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港交所与行业专家在9月就第18章规定开展了一次正式谘商,以对矿业企业更加友好.In September, HKEx launched a formal consultation with industry experts about Chapter 18 in a bid to make the city's bourse more miner friendly.

交易所数据显示,上海证券交易所保证金交易的未清余额到周五下降到了6189亿元。The outstanding balance of margin trades at the Shanghai Exchange declined to 618.9 billion yuan as of Friday, data compiled by the bourse showed.

香港交易所今年的融资规模已经超过伦敦、上海和纽约,但它并不满足于此,还要把欧洲顶级时尚品牌拉过来上市。Not content with surpassing London, Shanghai and New York in funds raised this year, Hong Kong's bourse is even pulling in top European fashion names.

伊朗石油交易所将于2008年2月19日起以欧元来结算,这将对美元产生毁灭性的不良影响。The Iranian Oil Bourse establishing Euro-based pricing of oil is set to open on February 19th 2008 and could have devastating effects on the US dollar.

香港交易所营业员表示,此计划将使投资者能避险或调整其持有部位,以因应欧洲或美国事件的时差.The city's bourse operator said the plan would allow investors to hedge or adjust their positions in response to events in the European and U.S. time zones.

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警方发言人表示,22岁的萝拉.沛瑞格爬上证交所入口内的一张桌子,身上只剩内裤,以及彩绘在身上的义大利国旗。Laura Perego, 22, climbed on to a table inside the bourse entrance clad only in her panties and with the Italian flag painted on her body, a police spokesman said.

深圳拥有这么好的基础如果不抢先一步建设电子商务‘交易所’,打造国内第一个‘电子商务之都’就太可惜了。If, Shenzhen has so good base business affairs of electron of not one-up construction ' bourse ' , make home the first ' of electronic business affairs ' too regrettablly.

同时,加强监察,交易所有一整套监控买卖行为的制度,派专门人员负责这项工作。In the meantime, strengthen censorial , bourse has the system of conduct of business of monitoring of one a complete set of, send technical staff to be in charge of this job.

东京证券交易所是亚洲最大的证交所,被视为是美欧市场周一开市对美国评级下调将做何反应的一项重要检验。The Tokyo Stock Exchange is Asia's largest bourse and is seen as a key litmus test for how U.S. and European markets will respond to the downgrade when trading commences on Monday.