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仿佛你把这个城市的盖子揭开了一样。He lifted the lid of a tureen.

按过铃,一个小男仆就捧了一只盛汤的银器进来。In answer to the ring, appeared a page boy with a silver soup tureen.

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煲着的牛肚的汤锅是如何做到看上去那么邪恶,而吃起来却那么美味?。How can a simmering tureen of tripe stock look so evil, yet smell so good?

出笼后拣出配料,把鸡肉扣人汤盘。After emerging, culls the ingredient, buckles the person soup tureen the chicken.

盖碗,在中国茶文化源远流长的历史上,有着不可取代的特殊地位。Chinese tea tureen holds a irreplaceable status in the history of Chinese tea culture.

当年牠能逃开成为炖海龟汤的厄运,极有可能就是达尔文伸出援手。And she was most likely rescued from the soup tureen that she strongly resembled by Charles Darwin.

他的市政官同僚,什么都会相信,就是不相信有人会对伦敦城的名菜海龟汤②深恶痛绝。His fellow aldermen would believe in anything rather than an heretical distaste for the city ambrosia of the soup tureen.

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周四晚上在巴黎,奥朗德总统用龙虾焙盘,大比目鱼、奶酪和果子露招待了卡梅伦。In Paris with President Francois Hollande on Thursday night, Mr Cameron was treated to lobster tureen followed by turbot, cheese and sorbet.

饭桌上先端上来一大碗鸡汤和汤圆,接下来的是土豆泥和玉米棒子,最后是馅饼和蛋糕。A great tureen of boiled chicken and dumplings opened the proceedings, along with mashed potato and corn on the cob. It all ended eventually with both pie and cake.

集中式系统虽然效率高,但它可能满足不了用户的要求,在大中型结构中,例如全球气象网络,尤其如此。A centralized system is efficient, but it may note responsive to user needs. This is particularly tureen large organizations- the worldwide meteorological network, for example.

在车身和跟班膝易引起背部和更换了客人的提问时,坐在椅子、而大卫国隆重挟汤蒸出一银瘤胃。Footmen in livery and knee-breeches drew back and replaced the guests'chairs when they sat down, while the major-domo ceremoniously ladled out steaming soup from a silver tureen.

文章主要论述了瘤胃内细菌、真菌和原虫的分类、存在形式及其在反刍动物中的应用等,并阐述了瘤胃微生物之间的相互关系。This paper introduced the classification and their forms of bacteria, fungi and protozoa and their application in ruminant animals, and described the relationship between tureen microorganisms.