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第五章是语料标音。Chapter V is the corpus transcription.

导入数据并创建一个文集文件。Import the data and create a corpus file

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根据需要,对文集条目进行编辑和分类。Edit and categorize corpus items, as required

艾丽斯市位于德克萨斯州柯柏斯克里斯提以西45英里的处所。Alice is about 45 miles west of Corpus Christi.

我们有人身保护法案,而且我们尊重它。We have the Habeas Corpus Act and we respect it.

90年代末,我国的第一个学习者语料库CLEC问世。A learner corpus CLEC was born by the end of 1990s.

本文介绍了一个语音合成语料库。This paper describes a corpus for speech synthesis.

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我闭上眼睛世界,亲亲我去皮语料库。I close my eyes to the world, Kiss my skinless corpus.

另外CT对胼胝体梗死不敏感。Besides , CT is insentive to corpus callosum infarction.

发挥农民主体作用,是一项长期的系统工程。Developing a farmer corpus function is a long-term system.

胼胝体发育受视觉的影响。The development of corpus callosum was affected by vision.

以文集作为输入,可以创建和测试知识库。Using the corpus as input, you can create and test the KB.

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CT扫描胼胝体区未见异常密度。There was no abnormal signs of corpus callosum on CT images.

CT扫描胼胝体区均未见异常密度灶。There was no abnormal lesion of corpus callosum on CT images.

本文研究语料来自于在中国知网上随机选取的学位论文英文摘要。The corpus for this thesis is selected from CNKI with a random.

别集、总集均属于古代文集。Both collected works and complete works belong to ancient corpus.

收集预先分类的数据,它们将构成文集的基础。Gather pre-categorized data that will form the basis of a corpus.

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前次妊娠的黄体很快开始退化。The corpus luteum of the previous pregnancy regresses very rapidly.

前次妊娠的黄体很快开始退化。The corpus luteum of the previous pregnancy regresses very rapidly.

根据需要,通过编辑文集和重新训练来改进知识库精确性。As required, improve KB accuracy by editing the corpus and retraining