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单身生活能让你有更多的自主。It allows for more spontaneity in your life.

自发性,不落俗套就是创造性中最关键的因素。Spontaneity is one of the key elements of creativity.

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对自发性开放并依赖你的直觉。Be open to spontaneity and depending on your instincts.

提高团队士气、凝聚力激发员工的自觉性。Teambuilding to enhance the morale, cohesion and spontaneity.

有时培养自发性和定性更为重要。Sometimes it’s more important to cultivate spontaneity and stillness

假期有助我们重获油然而生的感觉和自我表达的感觉。Vacations help us regain that sense of spontaneity and self-expression.

像这样的错误会有助于加强一种诚恳和未经准备的印象。Errors such as these help add to the impression of sincerity and spontaneity.

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人怎能不喜悦于生命的魅力、质朴与自然呢?How can one be pleased with life without its charm, naivete, and spontaneity?

许多人把组织构建视为限制,会限制自发性的东西。Many people view structure as restrictive, something that inhibits spontaneity.

那些轻松,愉快,和有时候的心血来潮,全都从街道上消失了。The sense of ease, cheerfulness, and spontaneity has vanished from the streets.

我们常因敏锐度与机动性不够而错失很多事奉的时机。We miss many occasions for serving because we lack sensitivity and spontaneity.

出口成章现已成为优秀演讲的标志性特征。Speed is vital to him. Spontaneity is more than ever the hallmark of good speaking.

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小心自发性地对你所见到的第一艘符合要求的船一见钟情。Beware of spontaneity and falling in love with the first boat that meets your needs.

如果内心没有激情,它就会产生毫无生气、很晦涩的自发性。If the heart is without passion, it will produce lifeless, jargon-laden spontaneity.

他辛勤的奉献证明我们的自发性需要耶稣受难地之类的戒律。His hard sacrifice makes it evident that our spontaneity needs Calvarylike discipline.

这一观点与自发冲动有紧密联系,并通常和暴力相关联。This is closely related to the myth of spontaneity and is often connected to violence.

他是一个很难去设定的球员,他最重要的个性则是非常积极主动。He's difficult to mark. Dinho is a player whose primary characteristic is his spontaneity.

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然而自发性对某些行动来说却是很好的,这无疑是中会妨碍改变的方法。While spontaneity is wonderful for some activities, it's a surefire method for sabotaging change.

另一些人则喜欢任其自然。在南美,上述两种都不完美。For others, the joy of a trip is its spontaneity. Neither approach works perfectly in South America.

现在我们尝试,找出如何描述平衡态以及,什么东西表明自发性。OK, so now let's try to formulate how to describe the equilibrium state and what dictates spontaneity.