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实在太美味了,简直难以置信。It tastes unbelievable.

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潜力将是难以置信的。The potentials are unbelievable.

显示的数据真的不可思议。The statistics are really unbelievable.

她有那么多猫真令人难以置信。It's unbelievable how many cats she has.

勇气和一点恩慈才能做到。unbelievable courage and a little grace.

它不仅蹊跷,而且令人难以置信。It's not only strange, it's unbelievable.

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宫殿的巨大是难以置信的。The magnitude of the palace was unbelievable.

说到赖特的入球,都是不可思议的入球。Credit to Wrighty, they were unbelievable goals.

小罗伊·琼斯刚出道的时候也是很不可思议!Roy Jones Jnr in his prime was unbelievable too.

我们都认为你所说的是不可信的。We all consider what you said to be unbelievable.

一个孩子像那样声誉鹊起是难以置信的。For a child to rise to fame like that is unbelievable.

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难以置信的是林志颖已经有了4岁的孩子。It's unbelievable how Jimmy already has a 4 y. o. son.

大范说,“我看他的战绩和取得的成功真是令人难以置信。I look at that and the success he's had is unbelievable.

听到他讲连贯的英语真令人难以置信。It was unbelievable to hear him talk in unbroken English.

第四个进球竟然来自边线发球,这是另人不能相信的。The fourth goal came from a throw-in . It's unbelievable.

在低音部分创造弦的难以相信的机械。In bass part is unbelievable machinery which creates chords.

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这令人难以置信的500英里飞行要花18到20小时!This unbelievable 500-mile flight takes from 18 to 22 hours!

对我来说更加难以置信的是他会结束他的生命。It's also unbelievable to me that he would ever end his life.

是令人难以置信的情深意切的情感。That kind of saturation of genuine compassion is unbelievable.