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同时能够对任一应力、温度下的蠕变曲线进行预测。This model can predict creep curves at discretional temperature and stress.

因此,本文使用可操纵性应计项目来衡量大规模事务所在中国的审计质量。So, discretional accruals are used to measure audit quality of the big auditing firms in China.

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国有企业可以将任意公积金与法定公积金合并提取。A state-owned enterprise may withdraw the discretional and legal accumulation funds in combination.

在相机经济政策背景下钢铁边际投资效率大起大落的风险将得以规避。The risks of marginal efficiency of steel investment will be evaded in discretional economy policy.

银行相机治理就是银行采取的积极的保护债权的一种制度安排。Therefore, bank's discretional governance is believed to be an efficient institutional arrangement.

因此,我国会计师事务所应该提高操控性应计利润的审计质量。Therefore, the national accounting firms should improve the audit quality about discretional accruals.

第二部分阐述了酌定不起诉制度的基础和价值。In the second part, the litigation value and theory basis of discretional non-prosecution was discussed.

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等参元边界法向量的数值计算方法,是基于石油套管复杂力边界法向量理论研究和工程需要提出的。Therefore, an in depth study of the numeric theory for normal vectors at discretional boundary is essential.

自由心证制度是近现代各国事实认定的原则性制度。The principle of discretional evaluation of evidence is a principle system which was acknowledged by many countries.

在现代大陆法系诉讼中,自由心证是事实认定的基石。Discretional evaluation of evidence is the cornerstone of fact finding in modern litigation of the continental law system.

政策执行情形影响政策结果,裁量行为影响政策执行成效。The way the policy implemented affects the result of policy and the discretional behavior affect the policy effectiveness.

理性的有限性和经验的重要性是酌定不起诉制度的哲学基础。The rational finiteness and the importance of the experience are the philosophy foundation of the discretional non-prosecution system.

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同时这种方法也可应用于任意曲线轴线的圆截面工件的毛坯展开中。This can calculate the accurate size of the blank be used in the expanding of circular section workpiece with discretional curve as its axes.

便宜主义、诉讼经济和公共利益是酌定不起诉制度的法理基础。The convenient principle, the economic litigation and the public interest are the legal foundation of the discretional non-prosecution system.

证据裁判与自由心证两大原则构成现代证据法的基石。The foundation stone of modern evidence law is composed of the principles of evidentiary adjudication and discretional evaluation of evidence.

通过算例分析剪切带宽度和试件高度对实测直剪应力–应变全程曲线的影响关系。It leads to the discretional results of complete stress-strain curve in direct shear, which differ from shear stress-strain constitutive relation.

为支持舰载机的甲板降落研究而建立了一个任意着陆状态下的飞机起落架模型。To support the research on the carrier-based aircraft deck-landing, an aircraft and landing gear model under discretional landing states was built.

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自由心证制度在我国遭受了严重的历史性误读,在现实中人们对它充满了疑虑,理论上更缺乏系统全面地研究。The principle of discretional evaluation of evidence was confronted with seriously historic misunderstanding and lack of systematical research in reality.

行政不作为违法以现实的行政作为义务存在为前提,以行政主体能够履行而未履行为必要。When any action neglecting to perform the obligation of discretional act violates the rule of reason, it constitutes violation as administrative omission.

第一部分对不起诉裁量权、酌定不起诉的概念及理论基础等方面进行了初步分析研究。In the first part, there is a preliminary analysis on the concept and theoretical basis of non-prosecution discretion and the discretional non-prosecution.