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软件行业会是一个反例吗?Is software a counterexample?

把反例放到最后写。Write your counterexample last.

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不能作为一个人格理论的反例。It's not really a counterexample to the personality theory.

这是一个反例,我给你们的两个论点的反例。This is the counterexample set of the two arguments I gave you.

这算是功利主义计算思路的反例吗?Is this a counterexample to the utilitarian idea of calculating?

最后通过一个反例对结论予以验证。Finally, a counterexample is presented to illustrate the conclusion.

你也可以用一个独立的段落来写反例。Also you have the option of writing your own counterexample paragraph.

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答案很简单——你可以通过反例找到答案。Well, the answer is simple, the answer is found using a counterexample.

有时候,说明如何做某事的最好方法是举反例。Sometimes the best way to illustrate how to do something is by counterexample.

那么反例成为了,这是星期五Marianne穿着牛仔裤。Then the counterexample set then becomes if its Friday Marianne's wearing jeans.

现在,谁来为这个成本效益分析作辩护?Now, who here wants to defend cost-benefit analysis from this apparent counterexample?

接下来可产生从反例衍生而来的波形并调试该失败。Next, a waveform derived from the counterexample is generated, and the user debugs the failure.

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在完成整篇文章之后,你再来考虑可以在哪儿加进一个反例。After you finish your essay, go back and think about where you might be able to put a counterexample.

那里面没有潜在的David,Smith人格,来成为人格理论的反例或我们在寻找的例子。There's no underlying David Smith personality still there, to have the counterexample or the example that we're after.

反例不要写得太长或是过于夸张,要直切要点。这将会让你的文章更加清晰。Don't make your counterexample too long or too fancy. Be direct and to the point. This will make things very clear for you.

“指称的转移”问题最早由埃文斯明确提出,其目的是对克里普克有关指称行为如何发生这一问题的论点进行批判。To criticize Kripke's viewpoints on how reference is realized, Evans explicitly referred to reference shift as a counterexample.

强化文章观点,使文章论述更有力的一种方法就是使用一个恰当的反例。The way to strengthen one's perspective, and in the process create a stronger argument, is to provide an appropriate counterexample.

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反例是包含,前提和结论的否定,所以星期五Marianne穿牛仔裤。And the counterexample set is the set consisting of the premises plus the negation of the conclusion, so it's Friday Marianne is wearing jeans.

所以现在的重要问题是,和声的例子现在作为,灵魂不可毁灭,这一概括说法的反例。So the crucial point right now is that, thinking about harmony is offered as a counterexample to the generalization that invisible things can't be destroyed.

如果你发现你自己常常产生过深的继承体系,那么你应该反省一下自己的设计风格,看看是否沾染上了这个坏习惯。And if you don't believe that but think that "OO just isn't OO without lots of inheritance, " then a good counterexample to consider is the standard library itself.