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来自法戈的预报或许是个好消息。The forecast from Fargo may have good news.

法戈的居民起来的时候看到了你每天看不到的东西。And residents in Fargo woke up to something you don't see every day.

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经济学家马克维特纳富国银行使用更加乐观的看法。Economist Mark Vitner at Wells Fargo takes the more optimistic view.

银行业巨头富国说,这是削减其最优惠利率为百分之三点二五。Banking giant Wells Fargo said it was cutting its prime rate to 3.25 percent.

卡米耶·托马斯是一个40岁的非裔美国人,喜欢在富国银行的工作。Camille Thomas, a 40-year-old African-American, loved working for Wells Fargo.

汉斯坎德尔在法戈的美国北达科他州州立大学推广服务部工作。Hans kandel works at the north dakota state university extension service in fargo.

在这里,DMI运营一家工厂,为涡轮机建造塔。D. , where DMI Industries of Fargo operates a plant that makes towers for wind turbines.

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Lowrie办公室的一位接待员称,她并不认为Lowrie的想法出自“模拟城市”。A receptionist at Lowrie's Wells Fargo office said she doubted his idea came from SimCity.

伯克希尔哈撒韦公司也在可口可乐公司和富国银行等企业有大量投资。Berkshire also has big investments in companies including Coca-Cola Co. and Wells Fargo & Co.

贝克希尔在像可口可乐和美国富国银行集团这样的公司里也占有主要投资。Berkshire also has major investments in such companies as Coca-Cola Co. and Wells Fargo & Co.

赛亚于2006年8月至2010年8月在富国银行俄勒冈州库斯贝市分行工作。Saia worked at the Wells Fargo branch located in Coos Bay, Oregon from August 2006—August 2010.

从这一点上我们能得到的最好消息是洪峰已经过去了。"The best news we can take from this is the river has crested, " Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker said.

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不过,分析师谨慎认为,来自富国银行的消息并非整个银行业危机解除的信号.However, analysts cautioned that the news from Wells Fargo was not an all-clear signal for the sector.

富国证券公司经济学家,杰伊布赖森表示2011年将是美国经济转危为安的一年。Jay Bryson, an economist at Wells Fargo Securities, says 2011 will be the year the U.S. economy turns a corner.

在Soulsvile那个走廊的两个街区内就有十几户被富国银行取消了抵押品赎回权。Within a two-block radius of that porch in Soulsville, Wells Fargo holds mortgages on nearly a dozen foreclosures.

作为风险委员会的负责人,在研究了富国银行和其它被看跌的股票之后,他显得非常不悦。As head of the risk committee, he had been reviewing the Wells Fargo and other negative stock bets. He wasn't happy.

市长和前任银行信贷官员将矛头指向了大型国家银行---尤其是富国银行。The mayor and former bank loan officers point a finger of blame at large national banks — in particular, Wells Fargo.

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法高的微软校园是这个技术巨头在华盛顿雷德蒙外第二大技术基地。Microsoft's campus in Fargo is the technology giant's second-largest one outside of its home base in Redmond, Washington.

一些银行,包括美国银行,花旗银行和富国银行最近还宣布了归还政府救助款的计划。Banks including Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo have recently announced plans to repay government rescue money.

穆尔.赛亚被控告在其工作期间从富国银行盗窃大量资金。A criminal complaint charges Moore-Saia with stealing substantial funds from Wells Fargo during her time as a bank employee.