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他以五光十色绚丽夺目的文章给你完全的效果。He writes in glorious technicolor to give you the full effect.

彩色印片面颊根据UF格兰特的把戏面颊对面颊。Technicolor Cheek was based on UF Grant's trick Cheek to Cheek.

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这,你所看到的拍摄场景已经记录到了电影胶卷上。This scene you see being filmed has been processed in Technicolor.

朱迪·嘉兰的白裙子其实是粉色的,是为了使彩色电影的拍摄效果更好。Judy Garland's white dress was actually pink as it was easier to shoot in Technicolor.

明奈利是极少数似乎彩色电影是为他发明的导演之一。Minnelli is one of the few directors for whom Technicolor seems to have been invented.

总体而言,明亮的色彩必不可少,而横截面的运用也常常有其独到之处。Generally brilliant color is a must and often cross-sections are as unique as Technicolor snowflakes.

夸张的造型、鲜明的色彩成为儿童家具设计和房间布置的新时尚。Exaggerated modelling, Technicolor makes the new style that children furniture design and room decorate.

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和超对称一样,特彩意味著LHC会找到一堆奇特的粒子。Like supersymmetry, technicolor implies that the LHC will set free a veritable menagerie of exotic particles.

尽管如此,这还是第一部使用染印法彩色技术的电影,并且在西方国家获得巨大成功。Nevertheless, it was the first to both use Technicolor and become successful within the English-speaking world.

儿童房的设计独具匠心,设计师充分利用每寸空间,并使用了鲜明的色彩。The design of children room shows originality, stylist makes full use of every inches of space, used a Technicolor.

早期彩色电影拍摄过程需要大量的照明,拍摄场地往往会被炙烤得温度超过100摄氏度。The early Technicolor process required a huge amount of lighting, which would often heat the set to over 100 degrees.

无论你是在白天身穿茶色,或是,在晚上打扮得色彩斑斓,当你成功魅惑了一个传记作者的时候,千万别不知所措哦。Whether you choose earth tones for day or vivid Technicolor for night, don't be surprised if you mesmerize—or gain a biographer.

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修饰过的旅游海报展示了微笑着身着民族服装的当地人,站于水草丰茂的牧场,背后是高耸的积雪覆盖的山顶。Technicolor tourist posters show smiling locals in ethnic costumes, standing amid lush green pastures and soaring snow-capped mountain peaks.

也适于单植赏玩,如和垂柳混栽,在柳叶吐绿时,相互辉映,更具鲜明的色彩。Comfortable also at only plant delight in, if be mixed with weeping willow, grow, when willow Xie Tulu, mutual reflect, provide a Technicolor more.

等候室里,眼睛里满满的都是红的,绿的,黄的,粉的丽人,一个个身着彩衣,浓妆素抹,争相斗艳,好不热闹。Waiting room, eyes were full of red, green, yellow, pink of beauty, dressed in a Technicolor Dreamcoat, Su-clean heavy makeup, try Yan, really busy.

城市的夜晚就是这么华丽丰富,找不到单纯的黑,光怪陆离的灯光,给夜晚的城市披上了华丽的彩衣。The city at night is so gorgeous rich, could not find a simple black, bizarre lighting, giving the city the night put on a gorgeous Technicolor Dreamcoat.

一切都是源于1939年,当绿野仙踪首次上映的时候,好莱坞正在测试它的新宠——三色电影,电影制片厂着实是想通过过度饱和的色彩惊艳四座。That's because when The Wizard of Oz premiered in 1939, Hollywood was still testing its newest toy, three-color Technicolor , and studios wanted to astonish audiences with supersaturated hues.