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我给你一份小册子。I’ll send you a brochure.

这是我们的旅游小册子。Here is our trival brochure.

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请拿一份产品简介。Please take a copy of our brochure.

我也可以要那多用途汽车的册子吗?C︰ Can I have a brochure for the MPV too?

这是详细的产品简介。Here is our brochure with all the details.

我还想出版一本产业商品介绍手册。I too require to publish a brochure of my bads.

旅游宣传册上是这么说的。Batumi loves you." So stated the tourist brochure.

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本人已阅讀并明白主要推销刊物的内容。I have read and understood the Principal Brochure.

本册并非一份默认或明示的合同。The brochure is not an implied or express contract.

请寄给我们关于你方新产品的小册子。Please send us your brochure on your latest products.

我们希望附寄的小册子对您有所帮助。We hope the enclosed brochure will be helpful to you.

随函寄给贵方我公司最新简介一式两份,请查收。Enclosed please find our latest brochure in duplicate.

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我昨天拿了这本宣传册,今天想预定一下。I got this brochure yesterday and I want to book today.

欢迎有兴趣的同学来取。We'd love you to take a brochure if you are interested.

三月完成论出,印刷并出版。We got our brochure out, printed and published in March.

我有一本小册子,列出了罗凯特氏的演出。I have a brochure that lists the Rockettes' performances.

原指用来记录各类事情的小册子。Means used to record the brochure of all kinds of things.

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一楼大厅放有介绍我馆的宣传册页,您可以免费取阅。You can get the brochure of the museum for free in the lobby.

报名前请參阅歌诗达邮輪行程书内之各条款及规则。Please refer to Costa Cruises Brochure for terms & conditions.

这是一份禁烟手册上的剪报。This is an unedited clip from an actual anti-smoking brochure.