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变径灌注柱是一种新的制极方法。Diameter-transformed perfusion piling is a kind of new technics.

在融合前的温育时间里许多断裂已经修复。Many breaks had been repaired during the perfusion incubation time.

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采用一次性使用HB-H-6树脂吸附胆红素血浆灌流器进行治疗。All the patients were treated by HB-H-6 resin plasma perfusion unit.

心肌灌注显像的常用放射性药物。Commonly used radiopharmaceuticals for Myocardial perfusion imaging.

结果去甲肾上腺素对肾脏血流影响存在多样性。Results The effects of noradrenaline on renal perfusion was various.

肝细胞通过毛地黄皂苷-胶原酶灌流技术分离。Hepatocytes were isolated by the digitonin-collagenase perfusion technique.

目的初步探讨CT灌注成像技术用于大鼠C6脑胶质瘤微循环研究的可行性。Objective To study the feasibility of CT perfusion in rat C6 brain gliomas.

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结果早期1小时溶栓恢复灌注降低梗塞体积。Results—Early 1-hour thrombolysis restored perfusion and reduced infarction.

大输液车间设计,设备的选择至关重要。Selection of equipment is very important for large perfusion workshop design.

通过动脉灌注解剖观察了豹的前肢动脉分布。The distribution of forelimb arteries in a leopard was observed by perfusion.

点点滴滴,灌注着简约流丽的设计元素。Dribs and drabs, perfusion is worn contracted stream beautiful design element.

CT灌注成像可以被用作无创性肝毒性检测工具。Perfusion CT may be used as a noninvasive tool in diagnosing hepatic toxicity.

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目标的关键是建立适当的组织灌注和氧。The key goal is the establishment of adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation.

分析冠脉狭窄程度与心肌灌注减少的关系。The relation be- tween coronary stenosis and myocardial perfusion was analysed.

晕厥的原因包括任何可以暂时性减少脑灌注的病变。Causes of syncope include any process that transiently reduces cerebral perfusion.

结论AMD及早期AMD黄斑发生CFP延长及脉络膜毛细血管灌注异常。Conclusion CFP of macula prolong and choriocapillaris perfusion is abnormal in AMD.

在心脏灌注实验中,为什么葡萄糖的生成和分解减慢了?In the heart perfusion experiments, why did glucose uptake and glycolysis decrease?

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目的研究HB-H-6树脂吸附胆红素血浆灌流对重度黄疸的治疗效果。Objective To study the effect of HB-H-6 resin plasma perfusion for severe jaundice.

通过卡维地洛治疗后,应激诱导的区域灌注不足也有所改善。Stress-induced regional perfusion defects also decreased after carvedilol treatment.

CT灌注成像技术可以用来评价肝脏的血流动力学变化。Perfusion CT techniques can be used to evaluate the hemodynamic changes of the liver.