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爱情从来免不了多愁善感。Mawkish sentimentality, affection, or amorousness.

还要有温柔——但在生活中追求它难道不看似一件矫情的事吗?And tenderness, too—but does that appear a mawkish thing to desiderate in life?

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还有亲切感,但这脆弱多情之物真的是生活所亟需的么?And tenderness, too — but does that appear a mawkish thing to desiderate in life?

我还渴望柔情——但在生活中渴望柔情,这是否显得多愁善感呢?Status Offline And tenderness, too—but does that appear a mawkish thing to desiderate in life?

具有讽刺意味的,正是这些婆婆妈妈人,玷污了雕塑家的声誉。Ironically, it is these mawkish , calcified heads that have tarnished the sculptor's reputation.

调查对象在看完每张照片后,都要指出一个可以代表她们情绪的人体模型。After seeing by every picture, the participants would point apt a manikin that represented their mawkish response.

然而作为一个前战地记者,我厌恶以这种病态的伤感来铭记我们之中的死者。But, as a former war reporter myself, I recoil from the mawkish sentimentality with which we enshrine our casualties.

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一些愚蠢书场面非常强大的主题而不诉诸过分感情用事或情绪容易激动糖化按钮。Some extremely powerful scenes drive home the book's themes without resorting to mawkish sentiment or easy emotional button mashing.

缺乏安全感常常是破坏你们关系的重要原因。你们绝对是最具情绪化的一对。过于激情只会导致心力交瘁。Insecurity usually mars this relationship. This can be one extremely mawkish union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in impair and misgiving.

专于感伤的叙事以及甜美的风格与其说掩饰了毋宁是柔化了剧团的核心思想。Marks Playhouse, in the East Village, and specialized in mawkish narratives whose sweetness was intended to soften, if not disguise, the ideology at the company's core.

所有这些无用的抱怨上个周再度出现在种种能给她腾出充分时间以退出竞选的理由之中。All of this rubbish was resurrected last week in the thousand mawkish excuses found by the media and her crooning acolytes for "giving her time" to withdraw from the race.

但是在周末的发布会上并没有任何多愁善感或者死寂气氛-取而代之的对富于想象力的个体的欢呼。Yet there was nothing mawkish or funereal about the atmosphere at the weekend shows — rather they were a celebration of the individuality that produces imaginative talent.

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所有这一切无聊的庆祝,基本都建立在一种反民主的制度上,仅仅建立在特权和君主互惠上,连同背后的制度都君主制度都应予以废除。All this mawkish celebration, they maintain, merely bolsters an anti-democratic institution based on privilege and patronage, a costly anachronism that ought to be abolished.