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灵魂的羽翼在你身后张开。The wing of your sprit has grown plumpy.

登山是一种培养集体精神的极好训练。Climbing is a good exercise for sprit do corps.

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你是要矿泉水、可乐还是雪碧?Which do you need, table-water, Coca Cola or Sprit?

有强烈的团队意识和协调员工的能力。With strong team work sprit and staff coordination skill.

这被许多人看作是启蒙精神的缩影。It is seen by many as epitomising the sprit of the Enlightenment.

科学精神对教风有很大的影响。Teaching style will be influenced greatly by the scientific sprit.

体验性旅游项目设计包括纵向深度设计和横向整合设计。Experience tour item design is the core and sprit of tour site planning.

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为了体现团队精神,一直和同事一起认识新客户。Stay close with your colleagues to meet new clients to demonstrate team sprit.

这是两个美国,也是同一个美国,分别体现了美国精神的两个侧面。It is two America but also the same America which displays the two sides of America sprit.

你站在那儿让人仰望,我能在这里感受到你的超然精神。You are there, just let us to look up to, I'm here to feel the preternatural sprit from you.

美利奴羊毛提花套衫前身布满各色校旗,充分展现团队精神。The merino wool jacquard sweater is covered with school pennants for a true show of team sprit.

创新能力强。能在实际工作中不断发现问题,并付诸于有效的解决办法。Be responsible and efficient, has team-work sprit and strong ability of independent working sprit.

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第二部分是对传统中的科学精神与人文精神的考察。The second part is the investigation to scientific sprit and humanistic spirit of the tradition spirit.

公共精神是现代民主社会对所有公民提出的一种普遍的美德或精神态度的要求。Public sprit is a kind of common excellence or sprit of need to all of the citizen in the modern society.

廉洁经营是企业文化的核心,是经营思想的灵魂,是企业形象关键之所在。Honest management is the core of enterprise culture, the sprit of managing thought and the key to enterprise image.

科学精神是科学素质的灵魂,它已成为极为重要的时代精神。Scientific sprit is the soul of scientific literacy and it has become prominent representation of the time's spirit.

陈彤在新浪的官并不大,但最近几年,陈彤就是新浪的精神领袖。Chen doesn't take a high position in Sina, but since recent years, he has become what is called Sprit Leader in Sina.

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科学精神是人类对抗一切迷信无知和伪科学的最有效的思想武器。Scientific sprit is the most effective ideological weapon in the confrontation with all superstition and pseudoscience.

机关精神是以行政理念为核心的机关集体意识、思维惯性、行为习惯、工作作风等的集中反映。Bureau sprit is the focus reflection of bureau collective consciousness, thinking inertia, behavior habit and working style.

所以,真正的敬拜者乃是在圣灵和真理中敬拜父,并承认在他,就是圣灵里承认子的人。Therefore, the true worshippers indeed worship the Father, but in Spirit and Truth, confessing the Son and in him, the Sprit.