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至于我,我开始有点开窍了。As for me, I began to have an inkling.

哪里有哪怕只一点外来生物的端倪呢?Where was the barest inkling of alien biology?

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他总算对涉及到的各种因素略知一二了。He had by now an inkling of the factors involved.

在这讲一个故事,尽管不能提供全部的答案但它可以给我们一些提示。A story will furnish, not the full answer, but an inkling of it.

我感觉到要出事,于是急忙钻到桌子底下。I scrabbled beneath the table, having an inkling of what was to come.

谢尔顿从她眼睛里凝定的光波中看到她一点儿也不明白。Shelton saw from the fixed beam in her eyes that she had not an inkling.

中国的投资者至少是能够窥视到其中的端倪的。China's investors have at least an inkling of the dimensions of the problem.

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在这讲一个故事,尽管不能提供全部的答案但它可以给我们一些提示。A story will furnish, not the full answer, but an inkling of it. A man had a dog.

调查人员只对它们的多少以及它们是如何工作的情况略知端倪。Investigators have only an inkling of how many phytochemicals exist and how they work.

欧洲的制图家或许早在1492年哥伦布航海之前很久就已经对美洲有了模糊的认识。Europe’s map makers may have had an inkling of the Americas long before Columbus’s voyage in 1492.

只要研究下三十年代的情况,就能知道暗示现在处于危难关头的说法并非夸张。It is no hyperbole to say that for an inkling of what is at stake, you have only to study the 1930s.

大多数魔术的这些其他如此命名的人是行动零件的吹嘘,但是很少有真相的暗示。Most of these other "Magicians" are braggarts who act the part but rarely have an inkling of the Truth.

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即使我们经常使用互联网,我们大多数人对这一技术仍然是一知半解。Even if we use the internet very frequently, most of us haven't theslightest inkling about the technicalities.

如果你动动脑筋,你就会猜到这个插件大概是做什么的。If you thinkabout it for a moment, you can probably get a pretty good inkling ofwhat this addon actually does.

如果等你进了树林才启动GPS,接收机就只能像个没头苍蝇似的漫天乱找了。If you wait until you're in the woods, the receiver will have to scan the heavens with no inkling of where to start.

在中国,不要期望从宽处理、公正、甚至或者是在一丁点权利面前其他人的理性对待。People in China expect no leniency, justice or even rationality from other people with even the slightest inkling of power.

它假定形式端倪的阴影会逐渐消散,作为诗意进一步作出努力,成功。It assumes the form of an inkling whose haziness will progressively dissipate as further poetic efforts are made successfully.

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Wacom称,只要按下一个按键进行切换,用户甚至可以在素描时进行分层创作。Wacom says that Inkling even lets users create layers in the digital file while sketching on paper, with the push of a button.

问题在于,当我们观察到动物的同性恋行为时,我们却对它们的动机一无所知。The problem is that while we can observe the sexual behaviour of animals, we often have little inkling about what motivates it.

这种义举给了人们一种暗示——如果将彩票用于慈善和社会福利事业人们可以做些什么。This altruisticactgives an inkling of what could be done if the lotterywasharnessed for charitable and social welfare projects.