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行,仙人掌如何?Okay, how about cactus?

它是我的掌上盆景-----仙人球。It is my palm bonsai ----- cactus.

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卡弗斯称这个新发现为仙人掌花园。Cavers called the new find the Cactus Garden.

连这怕冷的仙人球也能拔开白雪见碧绿。Even the cold of snow Cactus can unplug see green.

原因是,我在这块地上种下了我的小仙人球。The reason is that i planted my cactus on the land.

在远一点,有了小灌木和仙人掌。Farther away, there are some small bushes and cactus.

我们在很多的时候真的很难胜过仙人球。We have a lot of time is really difficult than cactus.

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仙人掌是行走在茫茫沙漠中行者的救命恩人。Cactus is a walking entrants in the vast desert savior.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费仙人掌充分流?Where can I watch Cactus movie online free full stream?

行驶于冲绳县仙人掌公园的环园赏花列车。A rail less tram for tourist used by Cactus Park, Okinawa.

研究人员观察到一只鸟把一只啮齿动物钉在一棵仙人掌上。Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.

突发的黄色标点的仙人掌在曼萨尼约,墨西哥。Bursts of yellow punctuate a cactus in Manzanillo , Mexico.

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属的仙人掌,有锋利的硬刺。Cactus of the genus Echinocactus having stout sharp spines.

现在我看到了德州牛场的所谓仙人掌。Now I'm seeing a big feedyard in Texas that's called Cactus.

长廊眺望仙人掌花园和户外壁炉。The Loggia overlooks the cactus garden and outdoor fireplace.

采用逆相蒸发法制备仙人掌SOD脂质体。Liposome SOD from cactus is prepared by reverse-phase evaporation.

包括了濒危的墨西哥狼和巨大的萨挂诺仙人掌。They include the endangered Mexican Wolf and giant Saguaro cactus.

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本文研究了米邦塔仙人掌热风干燥的干制工艺。This paper is study on drying technology of the cactus of MiplaAlta.

亚利桑那州,一株巨人柱仙人掌矗立在一团狂暴的闪电中。A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.

仙人掌金棕榈酒店,以酒店,不必占用大量的道路。Cactus from the Palmed'Or hotel to hotel, do not have to take a lot of road.