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但是需求只是需求,就是这么简单。But neediness is simply that – neediness.

不贫穷是很难的,除非穷困。Not poverty is the hardship, but neediness.

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她肯定有你所需要的需要感。She would certainly have the neediness you need.

我能知晓分辨真实需要与匮乏需索之间的差异。I know the difference between ture needs and neediness.

男人的需求源于一见钟情。A man's neediness stems from falling in love at first sight.

即使要向盖茨表示赞美,我的自卑也会袭来。Even in complimenting Gates, my own neediness would rear up.

需求如此普遍以至于我们认为她是浪漫爱情的一个迹象。Neediness is so common that we think it’s a sign of romantic love.

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矮矬穷是令人厌恶的,因为我们已经发展到视它为不好的信号。Neediness is repulsive because we've evolved to recognise it as a bad signal.

需求是在爱情或追求的关键时刻的欲望的增强。Neediness is an escalation of desire at a critical juncture in the relationship or in its pursuit.

这意味着只要爱情出现之后,你可能产生一些多余的需求情感。That means that you may have unwanted feelings of neediness only after a relationship has emerged.

当然,也有一些其他人,由于贫困和依赖而成为我的寄生虫。And of course their were others who would parasite off me as well in their neediness and dependence.

不过,也许你还会注意力到在这种强烈程度中有一个需要、缠住不放的特点。However, you may also have noticed that there is a neediness and a clinging quality to that intensity.

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我发现,对于人们需求的人,即使人们并不特别喜欢他们,人们的需求感还是会增加。I've seen neediness arise even when men and women do not particularly care for the person they're needy about.

吉尔的奇怪需求和放浪形骸让杰克发狂,把他的平静生活彻底搞乱了。Jill's neediness and passive-aggressiveness is maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down.

另外,你可以通过建立社交网络来消除自身的需求,从而表现出自己的高价值。In addition to placing a high value on yourself, you can also eliminate neediness by building up your social network.

角色浓艳戏服下,他抖出了一个演员的自恋、需索和毋视世俗。In costumes more extravagant than any Gaultier concert frocks , he revealed an actor's narcissism, neediness , daring.

像任何一位希区柯克的学生,夏布洛尔被谋杀案里的大量推理和情感的困乏所吸引。Like any student of Hitchcock, Chabrol was intrigued by the wealth of reasons for and the emotional neediness in murder.

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当你有些你不想要的感受时,就像期待一些人的肯定,不要反抗这种感觉。Whenever you feel some feeling you don´t want to feel, like neediness for approval from someone then don´t struggle with this feeling.

漫画形式的脸则说明绘画者希望成为焦点。小孩样子的脸暗示作画者很贫穷。剖面图则表明绘画者十分内向。Comic faces demonstrate a desire to be the centre of attention. Child-like doodles of faces suggest neediness. Profiles indicate you're an introvert.

如果你诚心地开始要去学会如何解决自己的麻烦,你就会发现即便那些对”纯粹需求“会躲闪的人们也会开始给你提供建议。If you honestly set out to learn how to untangle your own snafus , you'll find that even people who shy away from raw neediness start offering advice.