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我们是一家出版公司。We are a publishing company.

今天,我们每个人都在出版。Publishing today iswhat we all do.

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一家出版社被封闭了。One publishing house was closed down.

他在一家小型出版单位工作。He works in a small publishing outfit.

杂志开始刊载她的短篇小说。Magazines begin publishing her stories.

这是CABI出版社的网站。This is the website of CABI Publishing.

每个人都可成为出版中心。Everyone becomes their own publishing hub.

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这里是出版公司的一些生意经。Here's the deal with a publishing company.

据我所知,已经有大量的图书即将出版。I know we have a lot of publishing going on.

他由出版工作改做教学工作。He made a switch from publishing to teaching.

台湾杨茂唱片有限公司,歌曲发行。Polygram Music Publishing Hong Kong Ltd. , SP.

这本书收不回它的出版费用。The book will not pay its publishing expenses.

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他的工作是替出版公司译成拉丁文。His job was Latinizing for a publishing company.

出版是对我的隐私的一种严重侵犯。Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy.

她决意从事出版事业。She is absolutely set on publishing as a career.

这家出版公司正在登广告招聘一名打字员。The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.

明年我们将出版一套新的关于音乐的丛书。We’re publishing a new series on music next year.

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今天我们在这里发布华新的第一份CSR报告。Today we are publishing Huaxin's first CSR report.

认真作好出版工作。Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.

执桝十年后他干起了出版工作。After teaching for ten years he moved into publishing.