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我们正处在这样一个关头。We are at such a juncture.

我们正处在一个关键的时刻。We are at a critical juncture.

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中国正处在一个重要关头。China is at a crucial juncture.

正在这个节骨眼上,昆西回来了。Quincy returned at this very juncture.

这些溪流的汇合点。The point of juncture of such streams.

这时科涅夫也在想同样的事情。Konev was wondering the same thing at that juncture.

在开弓过程中,这是非常关键的。This is the critical juncture in the whole technique.

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当前伊核问题正处于一个十分关键的时期。The Iranian nuclear issue is at a highly critical juncture.

在这个接合点上,这是故事的开始,也是故事的结束。That is the beginning and the end of the story at this juncture.

在这样一个节骨眼上,贵金属市场表现如何呢?What is the market scenario in precious metals at this juncture?

他并称,"然而在这个节骨眼上,失望的机会不大."There is however little scope for disappointment at this juncture.

恰恰在这个时候老板发现了自己处在进退两难的境地。It was precisely at this juncture that the boss found himself in A dilemma.

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就在这关键时刻,头发灰白的陌生人进来了。It was just at this critical juncture that the grey-haired stranger arrived.

在那个点上单独你可能在创造它或者毁坏它中找到自己。On that point alone you may find yourself at a make-it-or-break-it juncture.

将俱生光明之钉击于能观与所观之际。Strike the nail of self-appearing light at the juncture of mind and objects.

这些时刻的独特性使得今年的卫塞节成为一个关键的节点。The uniqueness of these times makes this year's Wesak season a pivotal juncture.

魔术战胜了骑士,在第三节关键时刻曾经一度领先40分。The Magic decimated the Cavs, leading by 40 at one juncture in the third quarter.

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本次选举正赶上香港后殖民时代发展的关键点。The election comes at a crucial juncture in Hong Kong's post-colonial development.

在这微妙的关头,只要遇到一个人就会破胤坏全盘的计划。To meet even one person at this delicate juncture would sully the whole enterprise.

我相信在这个时刻,我们的时间差不工作,以我们的共同利益。I believe at this juncture that our time difference is not working to our mutual benefit.