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你要去德莱斯观光吗?。You're going go Dresden for sightseeing?

在德累斯顿抄本玛雅象形文字。Mayan hieroglyphics in the Dresden Codex.

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德国德累斯顿的火焰炸弹是恐怖行动么?Was the firebombing of Dresden a terrorist act?

第一个表现主义团体于1905年在德累斯顿成立。The first Expressionist group gathered at Dresden in 1905.

冯尼格不想为读者讲述德累斯顿大屠杀的过程。Vonnegut prefers not to make a narrative of the Dresden massacre.

德国中东部一城市,德累斯顿市之东,与波兰毗邻。A city of east-central Germany east of Dresden on the Polish border.

德累斯顿的皮尔尼茨宫外墙上绘制着中国日常生活图景。Dresden extrauterine Pillnitz wall drawing picture of daily life in China.

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奥巴马在跟德国总理墨克尔在德累斯顿会谈之后发出上述呼吁。The president spoke after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Dresden.

研究者们在德国德累斯顿市的市中心用他们的方法作了一次模拟实验。The researchers ran a simulation of their approach in the city center of Dresden.

首府德累斯顿因其建筑的华丽和雅致被誉为“易北河畔的佛罗伦萨”。Dresden is called Florence on the Elbe for its magnificent and elegant architecture.

他是德国德累斯顿市的冯阿登纳企业的首席科学家。Dr. Johannes Struempfel is working as Chief Scientist at VON ARDENNE Company in Dresden.

第七个私人人对他们有了,很久以前,被一个牧师在德累斯顿城。The seventh private who spoke to them had, once upon a time, been a clergyman in Dresden.

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图为1946年女工们在德累斯顿被摧毁的罗马天主大教堂附近清理砖块。Here, women clean up in Dresden in 1946 in the shadow of the wrecked Roman Catholic cathedral.

上周五奥巴马总统将访问德累斯顿和布痕瓦尔德,一个前纳粹集中营。On Friday President Obama will visit Dresden and Buchenwald, a former Nazi concentration camp.

目前本项目的国外合作高校有法国CNAM和德国德累斯顿工业大学。Now the partner universities include CNAM in France and Technische Universitaet Dresden in Germany.

禁居时期的最后四年里桑德林同时站上了德累斯顿国家管弦乐团的指挥台。He stayed for 17 years, the last four of which also saw him at the helm of the Staatskapelle Dresden.

因为没有冲厕用水,这列自法兰克福开往德累斯顿的火车上的所有厕所都上了锁。All the toilets on the Frankfurt to Dresden train were locked because there was no water for flushing.

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两个小天使是最热门的商品之一是出售就画在德累斯顿。The two cherubs are the most popular among merchandise that is sold regarding the painting in Dresden.

在德累斯顿两名社会党代表被一些曾是突击队成员的人打成重伤。In Dresden two Socialist deputies were gravely injured by persons believed to have been Storm Troopers.

即使是现在“西斯廷麦当娜”似乎是一个象征,德累斯顿,因为你去,到处可以找到。Even now "The Sistine Madonna" appears to be a symbol of Dresden because everywhere you go it can be found.