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一条鱼迅速浮了上来。A fish bobbed up.

我想把头发剪短。I'd like my hair bobbed.

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她有礼貌地向我行了个屈膝礼。She bobbed politely at me.

她对他屈膝致礼。She bobbed a curtsy to him.

好在这些致命生物又游走了。But the lethal creature bobbed off.

我想要洗头并剪短发型。I'd like my hair washed and bobbed.

她把头发剪成时兴的短发。She bobbed her hair to be in style.

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他的喉结在喉咙里上下滚动。His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.

断尾或自然的短尾巴。He has a docked or natural bobbed tail.

那只小船在水中颠簸。The boat bobbed up and down in the water?

渔夫钓鱼线上的浮子在波浪上面上下跳动。The fisherman's float bobbed on the waves.

他沉到水里,突然头冒出水面。He sank in the water and soon his head bobbed up.

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她留着一头短发,而且还是一双“解放脚”。She was young, had bobbed hair and emancipated feet.

他频频点头致意,而目光没有离开他的工作。He bobbed a greeting without looking up from his work.

这老板完全亏了本,但很快东山再起。The boss lost all his money, but soon bobbed up again.

那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前行屈膝礼。The ballerina bobbed a curtsy before leaving the stage.

一个站岗骑士在街上千了个磨碌。A knight of the post bobbed a leatherhead on the street.

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钓丝上的浮子在水面上下跳动。The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.

头点着表示同意,但不够数量来投票。Heads bobbed in agreement, but not enough to call for a vote.

这个时期的女士喜欢留短发、齐肩发和波浪发。Women in this period favoured short, bobbed and waved styles.