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内核实模式代码。The kernel real-mode code.

核仁坚果的可食的仁。The edible kernel of a nut.

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新内核现在将引导起来。The new kernel should now boot.

想成为一个内核黑客吗?Want to become a kernel hacker?

但是核心的想法是正确的.Yet kernel of the idea is right.

果壳裹着果仁。The nutshell includes the kernel.

用于内核实模式的代码。For use by the kernel real-mode code.

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内核自带的无线支持。Native Wireless Suport on the kernel.

XNU内核使用Mach作为核心。The XNU kernel uses Mach at the core.

接下来,查看内核配置文件。Next, look at your kernel config file.

孝悌也者,其为仁之本与?Filial piety, also for the kernel with?

这种杏仁儿吃起来又香又甜。The kernel of a nut is usually eatable.

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您的新内核应该会显示在那个列表中。Your new kernel should be on that list.

修补、编译并引导内核Patching, building, and booting the kernel

尚青的麦穗里边是有麦仁了的。Shang Qing wheat wheat kernel inside is the.

几乎所有的内核修复都是小幅度的。Almost all these kernel fixes were minor ones.

POSIX信号处理在内核空间中完成。POSIX signal handling is done in kernel space.

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该怎样激活我的操作系统内核才能支持CPU热插拔?How to enable my kernel to support CPU hotplug?

阿盖拉隘路是全局的核心。The Agheila defile was kernel of the situation.

这一想法的精髓可以追溯到几年之前。And the kernel of the idea goes back some years.