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此外,南斯拉夫曾是一个多民族统一的国家,民族问题很是复杂。Moreover, Yugoslavia was a unified multiracial country, with complex ethnic problems.

母亲是美籍意大利人,父亲则是非洲裔美国人和印第安人的混血儿。Douglass's mother is Italian-American, and her father is a multiracial blend of African American and Native American.

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这里,人们能经历现代的复杂性,怀古的旧世界魅力和多元文化气息。Here, one can experience modern sophistication, nostalgic old-world charm and multiracial magic in a single destination.

斯泰弗森特中学大约有74%的亚裔,18%的白人,3%的西语裔,1%的黑人,4%的多种族人群或其他族裔。Stuyvesant is about 74 percent Asian, 18 percent white, 3 percent Hispanic, 1 percent black, with 4 percent multiracial or other.

清政权已是以满、蒙、汉为主体而包括各民族在内的多民族政权。The state power in Qing Dynasty was a multiracial political power mainly controlled by Manchu, the Han nationality and Mongolian.

在巴黎居住期间,我曾到欧洲大陆各地做短途旅行。Based in Paris, I had the brief to roam around the Continent and what struck me is how multiracial and multicultural Europe had become.

美国多种族、多民族的社会特点决定了双语教育的存在与发展。The multiracial and multiethnic characteristics of American society determine the existence and development of the bilingual education.

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博物馆的展品追溯了巴西足球从贵族运动发展为深受1.9亿国民喜爱的大众体育项目的过程。The museum traces football's transformation from an elite sport to the passion of the masses in this vast, multiracial country of 190 million people.

伦敦一些地区比白教堂更为多民族化,且伦敦地区的病人自然的反映出该地区的混合文化。Few areas of London are more multiracial than White-chapel and the patients we treated there naturally reflected the eclectic cultural mix of the area.

清是一个以满洲贵族为主体的统一的多民族的国家,各民族的政治地位是不可能平等的。Qing Dynasty is a united and multiracial nation in Chinese history and it was impossible for all the nationalities to enjoy the equal political rights.

1967年,马丁路德金发起了“穷人运动”,一场旨在用“非暴力”解决经济公平的多种族运动。In 1967, Martin Luther King launched the Poor People's Campaign, a multiracial movement to bring the power of nonviolence to solving economic injustice.

新平县漠沙镇位于红河谷,在这里长期居住着傣、彝、苗、哈尼、拉祜、回等多种民族。Mosha, a town of Xinpin county, is located in Red River valley and permanently raises some multiracial residents, such as Dai, Yi, Miao, Hani, Lahu, and Hui.

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在这样一个多民族共同生活的国家,各民族在衣食住行方面保持了一些各自不同的风俗习惯。In the country of a such multiracial collective lives, each nation held a few custom conventions that differ severally in respect of basic necessities of life.

最终,这将取决于英语世界如何演变和能否学会在不失其同一认同感的同时包容其多元种族人口。Ultimately, this will depend on how the English-speaking world evolves and learns to embrace its multiracial population without losing its sense of a common identity.

我常说,虽然有些领袖自称属于多元种族领袖,但在马来西亚政局行事时是很难于不顾虑到种族和宗教因素。I've always said that it is difficult in the political arena in Malaysia to work without considering race and religion although there are leaders who claim to be multiracial.

只有帮助,凯瑟琳Stockett的畅销书为基础,多种族励志制造噪音,和欢快的球拍能保持整个秋季和进入颁奖季振铃。Only The Help, the multiracial inspirational based on Kathryn Stockett's best seller, made noise, and the joyful racket could keep ringing throughout the fall and into awards season.

无论种族混融实际达到了什么程度,检验社会融合程度只能靠声明自己是多种/民族归属的人的比率的判断。Regardlesss of the real degree of racial and ethnic intermixing that goes on, the test of a blended society will be the proportion of people who identify as multiracial or multiethnic.

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以瓦乡文化与周边各民族保持频繁互动关系中长期稳态延续的文化事实为基点,探讨当代多民族社区构建和谐社会的可操作性方略。The author studies practical strategy to build harmonious society at multiracial communities by citing the fact of frequent interaction and continous development of Waxiang and its neighbors.

总之,多种族混合的孩子们要创建属于他们自己的定义,他们比那些感觉必须选择一方或另一方作为归属的混血儿们表现出更多的灵活性。In short, multiracial kids seem to create their own definitions for fitting in, and they show more psychological flexibility than those mixed-race kids who feel bound to one choice or another.

总之,多种族混合的孩子们要创建属于他们自己的定义,他们比那些感觉必须选择一方或另一方作为归属的混血儿们表现出更多的灵活性。In short, multiracial kids seem to create their own definitions for fitting in, and they show more psychological flexibility than those mixed-race kids who feel bound to one choice or another.