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许多氧化酶可以催化氧爆发产生ROI。Many oxidases may catalyze the generation of ROI.

降低客户的所有权成本并改进投资回报率Reduce customer cost-of-ownership and improve ROI

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在对基于订阅的业务,投资回报很简单。In a subscription-based business, that ROI is simple.

沃尔得英语于中国的培训中心平均投资回报率是?What is the expected ROI for an average World English center?

ROI表示为总收益除以总成本的百分比。ROI expressed as a percentage is total benefit divided by total cost.

评估风险调整成本、效益以及投资的ROI。Estimate the risk-adjusted costs, benefits, and ROI for the investment.

昂立稚慧谷于中国的加盟店平均投资回报率是?What is the expected ROI for an average franchise center here in China?

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天才宝贝于中国的教学中心平均投资回报率是?What is the expected ROI for an average FasTrackids center here in China?

社会媒体的投资回报率使你的业务将在5年内仍然存在。The ROI of social media is that your business will still exist in 5 years.

而且,他们很擅长分辨ROI预估里数字的虚实。They’re also skilled at sifting soft from hard numbers in ROI estimations.

片面强调短期收益而忽略长期收益性。ROI tends to emphasize short-run profit rather than long-run profitability.

现在的掌纹ROI定位方法都是以边缘提取为基础的。Most methods of locating the ROI of palmprint now are based on edge detecting.

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通过最大化的独立使用ROI项目,团队和操作资源。Improve project ROI by maximizing use of individual, team, and operating resources.

另外,本文算法可以作为CCSDS标准中的感兴趣区域编码算法。Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm could be a ROI algorithm used for CCSDS standard.

暗黑的唇色同样出现在伊夫·圣·罗兰和艾丽斯·罗伊的T型台上。Dark lips also made an appearance on the runway at Yves Saint Laurent and Alice Roi.

亚伯拉罕死了以后,上帝赐福给他的儿子以撒。以撒靠近庇耳拉海莱居住。After Abraham's death, God blessed his son Isaac, who then lived near Beer Lahai Roi.

最后,通过使用掩模来确定ROI区域,可以对任意形状的ROI区域进行编码。Finally, the ROI is determined by using the mask and can be used for arbitrary shape.

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搜素引擎优化只限于品牌管理方操作,或者限制我们衡量ROI的能力Brand like to restrict SEO to their own efforts or restrict our ability to measure ROI

还有其他名字。El Elyon El Olam El Roi El Beyt Other names are El 'Elyon, and El Olam, El Ro'i, El Beyt El.

测试不同版本的专文,并看看是最佳作品,无论从威胁角度和感兴趣。Test different ad text and see which version works best, both from an ROI and CTR perspective.