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我将要求公司给予赔偿。I'll demand reparation from the company.

您来和我们一起吃饭。You owe me reparation. You will dine with us.

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很多时候,某种形式上的补救措施是很有必要的。Very often, some form of reparation is needed.

不管什么时候你发现自己做错了,都要及时改正。Whenever you find your wrong-doing, be quick with reparation.

无论何时你发现自己做错了,竭尽所能去弥补,因为对方能感觉得到。Whenever you find you are wrong doing ,be quick with reparation.

违约非财产损害赔偿是近年来法学界的一个热点问题。Non-substance Reparation for Injury is a hot point in law field these years.

目的探索变性自体颅骨在颅骨成形术中的应用。Objective To explore denatured self skull bone application in skull reparation.

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更让我们常常准备赔补这世界的极大过错和罪恶。And let us be ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world.

这位主教上周在这间教堂主持一场「补偿弥撒」,以弥补此一亵渎神的行为。Last week the bishop celebrated a "Mass of reparation" in the cathedral to make up for the sacrilege.

能完成从微型到中型汽车的制动毂,制动盘和制动蹄片的修理工作。It can fulfill the reparation of the brake drum, disc and shoe of automobiles from mini-car to medium trucks.

本文较为详细地提供了电缆探测仪和检波器测试仪修理方面的经验和资料。The paper provided in detail the experiences and data for reparation of cable detector and geophone detector.

本文介绍了TB-3051型紫外光辐射固化粘合剂主成分的分离和鉴定。The reparation and identification of the main ingredients of TB-3051 type UVcurable adhesive were introduced.

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在一个情感的水平上,圣洁莓将协助意志中心的修复包括**。Upon an emotional level, Vitex will assist in the reparation of the will centers including the will to ascend.

强调以局部组织修复缺损,同时整复梨状窝,以利恢复吞咽功能。In reparation of the local tis-sue, the pyriform recess must be restored in order to preserve swallow function.

在GPS定位中,周跳探测和修复的完善程度直接影响定位结果的精度。The cycle slip detection and its reparation perfectness can directly influence the accurancy of GPS positioning.

文中介绍了大线破损、漏电、插针镀层脱落及被牲畜啃咬的修复方法。The paper offered the reparation methods for damaged cable, leakage of electricity, stripping of film and bite by animal.

1923年1月,法国和比利时又以德国不履行赔款为借口第三次占领鲁尔。InJanuary 1923 France and Belgium occupied Ruhr once more just making German failure to implement reparation as a pretext.

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医疗事故的界定涉及到法律责任问题、经济赔偿问题,故对扩延医疗事故定义应持审慎态度。It is not purely a academic issue how to define medical accident. It involves matters of liability and economic reparation.

非常规水利项目只是解决该问题的其中一环,而一个真正的治标方案则要求对土壤、水、植被和大气进行全面修复。Ad hoc water is but a part of solution a master plan soil water vegetation atmospheric reparation is demanded at all levels.

我的朋友们一致反对我不顾自己的名声,得不到什么赔偿就这样草草了事。All my friends were unanimous not to let me so far neglect my character as to adjust a thing of this kind without reparation.