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一艘船出现了。A ship hove in sight.

他把椅子从窗户中抛出。He hove a chair through the window.

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大风吹得风帆鼓鼓的。The sails were hove by the strong wind.

有一架直升飞机在头顶上盘旋。There was a helicopter hove ring overhead.

我们的船接到信号后就顶风停航了。When our ship received the signal, she hove to.

该船收到信号后顶着风停船。When the ship received the signal, she hove to.

他会明白我对他的爱如血液一般贯穿他的体内?Whould he know my hove runs through him like blood?

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一条轮船恰好出现在天海相接处。A ship hove in sight just above the distant horizon.

吉姆认为它们是变坏了,所以才被赶出了自己的窝。Jim allowed they'd got spoiled and was hove out of the nest.

杰姆认为,这些星星是变坏了,这才被从窝里扔了出来。Jim allowed they'd got spoiled and was hove out of the nest.

我们知道附近还有一艘船,雾散去就看见了。Shop'. ' nearby, and when the fog lifted it hove into sight.

比尔·史密斯在布莱顿和霍夫的最新电视节目上表示,地方电视台可以产生新的创造力。Bill Smith of Latest TV in Brighton and Hove thinks local television will unlock creativity.

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前一犯罪被判处缓刑的犯罪人可以构成前科。So those who hove just been sentenced to probation should be regard as having criminal record.

然后几乎被兴高采烈的观众忽视的内村航平,从鞍马上掉落,导致银牌看似有机会落到英国队手中。Then Kohei, almost overlooked by the jubilant crowd, tumbled from the horse and silver hove briefly into sight for Britain.

他退休时最初是打算“避免成为新闻头条”不想再干足球这行了。And his initial plan as retirement hove into view was to "escape the headlines and the fuss" and have nothing more to do with football.

之前巴拉克和领队比埃霍夫唇枪舌剑,抛开教练自己组织球员开会,勒夫都睁一只眼闭一只眼。Before Balac and group leader compare the Egyptian Hove violent debate, abandons trains to organize the player to hold a meeting, Luff turn a blind eye.

40年来一直被英国人所喜爱的邮轮伊丽莎白二世号去年驶进了迪拜港,她似乎会有一个光明而引人注目的未来。The QE2 cruise ship seemed to have a bright and brash future when it hove into port in Dubai last year after 40 years as Britain's favourite cruise ship.

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或许布赖顿市和霍伍市的人们,应该少去担心杰里米会遇上不合适的同学,而应该更担心他会遇上不合适的老师。Perhaps the good folk of Brighton and Hove should worry less about Jeremy falling in with the wrong sort of classmate, and more about him falling in with the wrong sort of teacher.

然而,假如孩子们盛开在没有爱、没有自我价值感的氛围当中,他们感到不讨人喜欢、没有价值,料想可能被别人欺骗、利用和看不起。If, however, children grow up without hove and without feelings of self-worth, they feel unlovable and worthless and expect to be cheated, taken advantage of, and looked down upon by others.

从临港工业背景下我校学生实践能力培养的具体实际出发,对实践教学模式进行了探讨,以期为高校实践教学的改革提供基础资料。Based on development of ocean industry in islands and need of cultivating students' practical abilities, authors hove put up with new approaches of practice teaching, as reference for other colleges.