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其中那些虚张声势的技巧能帮她在亚瑟王和海盗三部曲中做个很好的铺垫。The swashbuckling skills will serve her well in King Arthur and the Pirates trilogy.

而且如何包含这些因素又不会变得虚张声势。那需要很准确。And how to incorporate it so it didn't become swashbuckling. That it had a precision about it.

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但是这些黄金的小环并不仅仅是传奇历险中的时尚代表物——他们还是有几个有用的目的的。But the gold hoops weren't just swashbuckling fashion statements – they served several useful purposes.

加入神气活现的杰克船长的海盗队伍,来一场奇遇怪兽,探寻宝物,向着公海进发的探险吧!Join Captain Jack's swashbuckling band of buccaneers for a monster-meeting, treasure-seeking, high-seas adventure!

在今年瑞士科尔举行的阿尔卑斯“美髯大会”上,随处可见那些奇奇怪怪的小胡子和神气活现的鬓角胡须。Marvelous moustaches and swashbuckling sideburns packed out this year’s Alpine Beard Festival in Chur, Switzerland.

喂!加入神气活现的杰克船长的海盗队伍,来一场奇遇怪兽,探寻宝物,向着公海进发的探险吧!Ahoy! Join Captain Jack's swashbuckling band of buccaneers for a monster-meeting, treasure-seeking, high-seas adventure!

据说她们从不滥伤无辜,而且有不恃强凌弱,孝敬父母等帮规。Allegedly they never excessive injury is innocent, and have not swashbuckling , give presents parents waits for side compasses.

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对大多数人来说,那些沉入海底的宝船只存在于冒险故事或海盗、西班牙人和嚣张的盗贼的传说中。For most people, sunken treasure ships exist only in adventure stories and tales of pirates, Spaniards and swashbuckling rogues.

他们并没有全部参加对阵拜仁的惊心动魄的决赛,但他们组成了这只球队的核心。Not all played in that remarkable finalagainst Bayern Munich but they formed the core of a swashbuckling side thatgrew up in Europe.

吹捧财富的福布斯举办的美式聚会非常安静,很少有人参加,根本看不到年轻的面孔。The party staged by Forbes, the swashbuckling celebrator of capitalism, American-style, was sedate, sparsely attended, devoid of young people.

丹东个性暴躁,刚愎自用,活一个飞扬跋扈的政客。但他记忆力惊人,口才极有蛊惑力。Danton was a headstrong firebrand, a swashbuckling political showman with a prodigious memory, whose spectacular oratory held audiences in thrall.

这是海上发生的一个机智勇敢的传奇故事,它在全世界瞩目下上演,因此益发引人入胜。It was a swashbuckling tale of skulduggery and heroism on the high seas made all the more gripping by the fact that it happened as the world watched.

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尽管他的名字成了嚣张的海盗的同义词,但纽约的海军上尉威廉·基德却至死也不肯承认他当过海盗。Although his name is synonymous with swashbuckling pirates, New York sea captain William Kidd denied to the end of his life that he ever acted like one.

上因为没有什么表现,小赖特遗憾的没能入选国家队,而且现在他在曼城时的辉煌时刻也难以重现了。His lack of action last term effectively scuppered his hopes of making England's World Cup squad and memories of his swashbuckling displays for City are now something of a fading memory.