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他是一名裁缝学徒。Ikey was a tailor's apprentice.

这个徒弟磨洋工。The apprentice lingered his work.

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阿纳金…是你的徒弟了。Your apprentice Skywalker will be.

他受缚做为裁缝师的学徒。He was bound apprentice to a tailor.

她一直都在做叶池的学徒。She'd been Leafpool's apprentice once.

杜丁曾是名年轻的死灵法师学徒。Dutin was once a necromancer apprentice.

这徒工还没有出徒。The apprentice is not yet out of his time.

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他是一位能工巧匠的徒弟。He was an apprentice to a master craftsman.

他的徒弟老是乱放工具。His apprentice always leaves the tools about.

陈淳是理学家朱熹的高徒。Chen Chun, who was a good apprentice of Zhu Xi.

托尼减了薪水当了徒工。Tony took a cut in pay to become an apprentice.

很快,萨那托斯成了魁刚第一个徒弟。Soon Xanatos becomes Qui-Gon's first apprentice.

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你的师兄已经达到一个新层次。Your fellow apprentice has achieved a new level.

新徒工就安插在我们车间好吗?Could the new apprentice be assigned to our shop?

他签订合同当了一名印刷学徒工。He engaged himself as an apprentice to a printer.

我喜欢天天学新货色。I like to apprentice new attenuategs anytimey day.

这个徒弟老在闲荡,什么事也不干。The apprentice is always lazing about doing nothing.

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他曾在约翰·埃弗里的船上当学徒He was an apprentice pirate aboard John Avery's ship.

路飞拜师!?和海贼王交锋过的男人!Apprentice Luffy! ? The Man who Fought the Pirate King!

父亲自己是在一家酱菜园里学徒。My father was an apprentice in a sauce and pickle shop.