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睡梦中听见盛世的欢唱。Hearing the song of prosperity in my dreamland.

真实肯定要来冲破这个梦境了。Reality had to come crashing into the dreamland.

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那边的那个女孩看上去像在梦境里一样。That girl over there looks like she's in dreamland.

实际上,与其说这一梦境是一个梦,不如说它是一个预言。In fact, this dreamland is a prophecy rather than a dream.

阿妹是月亮,融进阿哥梦乡。The younger sister is the moon, melts the elder brother dreamland.

几世红尘,幸福醉倒梦乡。Several th bustling places, happiness keeled over drunk the dreamland.

因此,这个梦境正好预示了凯瑟琳爱情的悲剧性结尾。Thus this dreamland just foreshadows the tragic end of Catherine's love.

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我们都知道热牛奶可以神奇地让我们进入甜美的梦乡。We've all heard of warm milk's magical ability to send us off to dreamland.

我们都知道温牛奶有把人送入梦想的神奇力量。We’ve all heard of warm milk’s magical ability to send us off to dreamland.

把它丢到床底下,关上灯,进入你自己的梦乡。You can toss it under the bed, turn out the light, and head into dreamland.

这个国度成为了旅行者跟探险家梦牵魂回的地方。The country has become the dreamland for many tourists and adventure lovers.

我想,中国会一如既往地做为世界上很多人的“梦想之地”而存在。I think China continue to remain a dreamland for many visitors around the world.

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梦的确很美,我却总是在梦境里与你相随。The dream is indeed very beautiful, I actually follow in the dreamland with you.

最后的装饰便是灯光效果,将札榥装点成冬季的梦幻乐园。The final touch is the lighting, which makes Sapporo look like a winter dreamland.

也许这是因为母乳喂养的妈妈只清醒到把孩子抱起来喂奶的程度,然后就又回到梦乡了。Maybe breast-feeding moms wake only to latch their babies on, then return to dreamland.

康德把至善当作一种道德理想,当作一种在现实世界中难能而只有在彼岸世界才可能的圆满的善。Kant took perfect good as a moral ideal that is not in the real world but in a dreamland.

西湖在过去一千年来,一直是名士美人流连之所,重重叠叠的回忆太多了。The west lake has been a dreamland for gentleman and beauties, too much reminiscence here.

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只有你能打破黑夜的企图,什么时候我的梦境能有太阳居住。Only then you can break the dark night the attempt, when can my dreamland have the sun to live.

那些破败的美好,在遗失前,被谁绊了一跤,跌倒在我落寞的梦乡。These ruined happiness, before losing, stumbled a tumble by who, tumbles in my desolate dreamland.

它随着林林兄弟马戏团来到“康尼岛的梦境之旅”进行杂技表演。She travelled with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared at Coney Island 's Dreamland sideshow.