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他住在威斯浦,他在诺沃克工作。He lives in Westport, and he works in Norwalk.

之后,他前往加利福尼亚州的诺沃克开设了自己的诊所。Then he went on to have his own clinics in Norwalk California.

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对,就在附近。他住在威斯浦,他在诺沃克工作。Yes. It's near here. He lives in Westport, and he works in Norwalk.

她告诉我我母亲从诺沃克精神病院来的。She told me that my mother had called from the Norwalk mental hospital.

你可以得到手诺瓦克病毒污染的食物或活动口。You can get the norwalk virus from hand to mouth activity or from contaminated food.

美国康涅狄格州西南部、位于诺沃克以北的城镇,主要是住宅区。人口5,989。A town of southwest Connecticut north of Norwalk. It is mainly residential. Population, 5,989.

威尔顿美国康涅狄格州西南部、位于诺沃克以北的城镇,主要是住宅区。人口15。A town of southwest Connecticut north of Norwalk. It is mainly residential. Population, 15, 989.

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诺瓦克病毒主要经饮食等渠道进入人体,它的潜伏期为24小时至48小时。Norwalk virus is mainly enter the body through diet and other channels, its incubation period is 24 hours to 48 hours.

目的对一起诺瓦克样病毒引起的群体性胃肠炎进行调查和分析。Objective To investigate, treat and analyze of population viral gastroenteritis incident caused by Norwalk like virus.

虽然一些如诺沃克这样的制造商已经提供了多年这样的服务,但不断增长的需求引起了更多的制造商的注意。While some manufacturers such as Norwalk have been offering it for years, the growing demand has made more manufacturers take notice.

病毒性肠胃炎可由多种病毒引致,最常见的是诺沃克病毒及轮状病毒。Viral gastroenteritis is an infection caused by a variety of viruses. The most common viruses that cause gastroenteritis are Norwalk virus and rotavirus.

在检验能力上全市尚不具备以诺瓦克病毒为代表的大多数病毒和部分寄生虫的检验能力,食源性疾病的监测还有很多工作需要完成。Furthermore, most of the virus, e. g. Norwalk virus, can not be detected tin Chengdu. More efforts need to be done to improve the FBD surveillance system.

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文章介绍了诺瓦克样病毒的病原学、流行病学、临床表现和诊断检测等方面的研究进展。This article briefly introduces the progress of the pathogeny, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and detection of Norwalk Virus.

结论梅县学校食堂厨工存在诺瓦克病毒健康携带者,学校有爆发诺瓦克病毒胃肠炎的潜在危险。Conclusion Healthy norwalk virus carriers were present in school canteen workers in Meixian and could be the hidden risk of norwalk virus gastroenteritis outbreak.

结果该起疫情共报告病例194例,13例患者的6份粪便和7份肛拭标本中有7例检出诺瓦克病毒核酸或抗原阳性。Results There were a total of 194 cases reported, and from 6 feces samples and 7 anal swabs of 13 patients, Norwalk viral nucleic acid or antigen was detected in 7 cases.

先前发现与B12最高水平相关的基因变异可以保护胃免受诺沃克病毒的感染,和幽门螺旋杆菌引起的溃疡。The gene variant associated with the highest B12 levels has previously been determined to protect the stomach from infection by the Norwalk virus and ulcer-causing H. pylori bacterium.

目的了解梅县学校食堂厨工诺瓦克病毒感染情况,为诺瓦克病毒胃肠炎预防控制工作提供科学依据。Objective To investigate the infection status of norwalk virus in school canteen workers in Meixian and provide the scientific basis for norwalk virus gastroenteritis control and prevention.