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我看的是带字幕的电视节目,音量调得很大。I watch TV with subtitles and the volume cranked up.

你仔细听听,几乎已经能听到印钞机在响了。Listen carefully and you can almost hear the printing presses being cranked up.

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他发明了1000多种获得专利的构想,大都获得了商业成果。He cranked out over 1000 patented ideas, many of which were commercially successful.

所有的情感都被放大到极致,强烈得似乎能照亮一切。All emotions are cranked up to the max and the intense brightness lights up everything.

我不应该有任何问题与翘曲时,我的汽车是手摇直至全速进行。I shouldn t have any problems with warping when my motors are cranked up to full speed.

她真是一位很有生产力的员工。她在一周内就迅速做出五份商业报告。She is a really productive worker. She has cranked out five business reports in one week!

随着共和党关键人物支持的流失,国防部加紧了这个论调的宣传。As support from key Republicans has withered, the Pentagon has cranked up the al-Qaeda rhetoric.

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倘若那个飞翔员打开了应答器,并且调到精确的编码,他就不会被误击。If the pilot has turned on his transponder, and if he has cranked in the right code, he doesn't get shot down.

但是印度的桑塔尔部落决定比我们所有人更胜一筹,极尽其能地把婚礼的疯狂达到了极致。But the Santhal tribe in India decided to one-up us all and cranked the wedding-crazy dial all the way up to 11.

安装好以后,钻孔机的底部会牢固的顶在使用者的腹部,使用者用手摇动曲杆。After assembly, the base of the drill was held firmly against the stomach, while the handle was cranked manually.

这是可调节的,因此这些玻璃表面朝向泳池和花园,而远离周围的街道。It is cranked so these glazed surfaces face inwards towards the pool and garden, and away from the surrounding streets.

球迷们可能会对他没能展现更多的进球而失望,下赛季势必会给他很大的压力。Fans will be disappointed not have seen more from him, and the pressure will certainly be cranked up high for the new season.

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在显示某些黑色的时候效果比较好,但是不要过分黑,因为当亮度调高一些的时候,你会发现这些区域会有一些泛蓝。Something with some black will be good, but don’t overdo is as you might notice some bluish tones when the brightness is cranked up.

在最后的五个飞行日,猛禽2号机的机组创造了8个架次内飞行超过20个小时的突出业绩。During the last five flying days, the crew of Raptor 2 cranked out over twenty flying hours during eight sorties an outstanding feat.

为了这样一场大战,利物浦球迷已经等了很久了,所以球场的助威声将是惊人的,它可以改变比赛。Because Liverpool fans had been waiting for such a long time for such big games the noise levels were cranked up and it made a difference.

这个装置能使你的感觉就象温和的“扫帚毛”或启动以传递一种麻痹眩晕感“这将持续几分钟才消逝”。The strike can be made to feel as gentle as "broom bristles" or cranked up to deliver a paralyzing jolt that "takes a few minutes to wear off.

通过一个手动曲柄绞盘可以做到这点,用一种与空调导管升降器原理类似的方式将悬臂柱抬起来。This requirement can be met with a hand cranked winch, which raises the jib column using a mechanism copied from an air conditioning duct lifter.

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现在是一年中最湿热的日子。琼费斯乐却特意呆在一间温度达36.6摄氏度的屋子里。It's one of the most oppressively hot and humid days of the year, and Joan Fessler is in a room where the heat is cranked up to 36.5 degrees. On purpose.

下一届接班方式将会更聪明,这可能解释他为何采取强硬的政策,通过此行动显示他的计划有军方的支持。The next succession will be trickier. That may explain why the jingoistic volume is now being cranked up, to show that Mr Kim has army support for his plans.

受金融危机的打击,中国的出口部门一蹶不振,中国政府为推动经济发展在今年上半年采取了刺激政策。With the country's export sector down and out because of the financial crisis, the government cranked up its spending in the first half to power the economy.