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我憎恨法西斯主义。I abominate fascism.

一场与法西斯的殊死对决。This is a fight against fascism.

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她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨。She has a profound hatred of fascism.

一个群体或国家表现的思想倾向。A government that leans toward fascism.

法西斯主义在德国和意大利兴起。Fascism was on the march in Germany and Italy.

人们齐心与法西斯主义作斗争。The people struggled together against fascism.

这样的定义,开辟了通向种族法西斯主义的狭路。It opens on the narrow path toward racial fascism.

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他指责东欧的评论家为“极端国家主义的同谋”。He blasted East European critics as 'collaborators with Fascism.

法西斯主义救不了资本主义,而只会加快其灭亡。Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction.

他献身于反法西斯和反压迫的战争。He devoted his life to the struggle against fascism and oppression.

‘法西斯主义登陆美国时,总会包着一面美国旗。’When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in an America flag.

法西斯军队席卷亚洲的时候,我们和你们并肩抗敌。When the armies of fascism swept Asia, We fought with you to stop them.

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一党专政有可能是滑向法西斯主义的起点。A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slopetowards fascism.

因为法西斯分子胜利了,西班牙内战也许是一个令我们倍感矛盾的例子。Perhaps Spain is an ambivalent example because of the victory of fascism.

法西斯主义非法推翻了这个国家的民主政府。Fascism had lawlessly overthrown the democratic government of this country.

但是,我还是觉得把安倍说成“法西斯”是非常冒犯的说法。Nonetheless, I find the association of Abe with "fascism" highly offensive.

既然你不知道法西斯主义是什么,你怎么能够与它斗争?Since you don't know what Fascism is, how can you struggle against Fascism?

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他们用有亲和力的口号和委婉的话语隐藏他们法西斯的本质。They want their fascism with nice cuddly slogans, and plenty of euphemisms.

把欧洲从法西斯主义的魔爪下解放出来曾只是一个梦想,直到这个梦想变成了现实。The liberation of Europe from fascism was only a dream -- until it was achieved.

就在这样的奇耻大辱中,墨索里尼及其法西斯主义成了历史。In such a horrible climax of degradation Mussolini and Fascism passed into history.