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镇公所的塔。Town Hall Tower.

反应堆大厅。The reactor hall.

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这个大厅安装了话筒。This hall was miked.

那大厅不久便坐满了人。The hall soon filled.

空空的大厅里发出回声。The empty hall echoed.

这座是正殿。This is the main hall.

我在一个音乐堂里。I am in a concert hall.

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挂号处就在大厅。It is right in the hall.

霍尔先生发出一声叹息。Mr. Hall let out a sigh.

这宏大的死亡之堂。The vasty hall of death.

他指着楼下的大厅。He pointed down the hall.

让我们移到大厅吧。Let's adjourn to the hall.

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大厅里寂静无声。Silence ruled in the hall.

这个大厅传音效果不好。The hall is bad for sound.

这个大厅音响效果好。The hall has good acoustics.

礼堂设计座位1560个。The hall seats 1560 persons.

那你们是矿冶公会的一员?The meeting hall of a guild.

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有只羊在我走廊里。There is a sheep in my hall.

正量霍耳效应。Plus the quantum Hall effect.

这大厅可容纳3500人。The hall admits 3,500 people.