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排球场。Volleyball court.

他过去常打排球。He used to play volleyball.

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爸爸在练排球吗?Is Dad practicing volleyball?

气排球运动是一项新兴的体育项目。Gas Volleyball is a new sport.

她在中国是排球运动员。She played volleyball in China.

我喜欢打沙滩排球。I like playing beach volleyball.

怎么回事?排球比赛?What was it? The volleyball game?

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我喜欢打排球胜于打篮球。I perfer volleyball to basketball.

排球高高地弹起来。The volleyball gave a high bounce.

王琳是我们的排球队队长。Wang Lin is the of the volleyball.

我参加了学校的乒乓球队。I am on the school volleyball team.

我爱冲浪和沙滩排球。I love surfing and sand volleyball.

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他排球比约翰打的好。He's better than John at volleyball.

在萨丁,女学生正在打排球。Schoolgirls play volleyball in Xanthi.

我们为什么不改打排球呢?Why don't we play volleyball instead ?

我相当喜欢看排球比赛。I quite like watching volleyball games.

请送我到排球场。Please take me to the volleyball court.

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杰克想看排球赛。Jack wants to watch the volleyball game.

这是世界上第一场排球比赛。This is a world's first volleyball match.

他们什么时候举行排球赛?When will they have the volleyball match?