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嗯,他是个术士。Eh, he is a warlock.

如果我告诉你我爷爷是个巫师呢?What if I tell you my grandpa is a warlock?

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术士将不再允许使用表情动作。Friendly emotes are no longer available to the Warlock.

言术的申不害首先是法治论者。The warlock Shen Buhai is above all an advocator of law.

现在术士坐着时可以触发。This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting.

这些卓越的野兽存在着被术士窃取的可能。It may be possible for a warlock to steal one of these fine beasts.

术士在宠物的协助下打倒同样数目的骷髅兵,只花了原来一半的时间。With his pet the Warlock was killing the same Skeletons in half the time.

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如果我告诉你我爷爷是个巫师呢?你还是不需要我的意见?What if I tell you my grandpa is a warlock? Do you still refuse my advice?

你不能给你的宠物命名,但初级术士得到的小鬼非常有趣。You can't name your pet, but the Imp a first level Warlock gets was super kewl.

每个术士只能在任一目标上施放一个痛苦无常或者献祭。Only one Unstable Affliction or Immolate per Warlock can be active on any one target.

强化火焰石是超差的天赋我怀疑没有任何术士加它。It just seems to me that it would be a waste of talents and I doubt very many warlock use it.

毁灭者阿特留斯,最后一个牛头人法师,或者这个世界上的第一个术士?Artorius the Doombringer, the last mage of the tauren, or maybe the first warlock of the world?

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即使最贤德的萨满也学习了术士的法术,并抛弃了他们曾经信奉的宗教。Even the wisest shaman learned warlock magics and abandoned the teachings they had once revered.

术士的输出循环不应该是无脑暗影箭,所以我们加入了混乱箭。The warlock rotation shouldn't be restricted to a shadowbolt spam, that's why Chaos Bolt was added.

利好的一面是,不同于术萨,在对术德时德是确确实实可以被抽干的。The one positive we have in this combo over warlock shaman is that the druid can actually be drained.

术士的吸取灵魂技能将不再在玩家死亡后继续造成伤害。Warlock Spell- Drain Soul will no longer continue to do damage to another player after they have died.

有五类职业能选择,例如战士,刺客,力士,男巫和谋士。There are five classes for players to choose such as Paladin, Assassin, Muscleman , Warlock and Priest.

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我可以非常负责任的告诉你,一个没有圣骑士的术士将只能是孤家寡人。I say with some confidence that a warlock without a paladin is no where near as effective as a warlock with one.

为了使部落摆脱恶魔的腐化,萨尔禁止兽人们使用术士魔法和通灵术。In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy.

兽人术士一时无法止住自己的惯性,顺理成章地扑倒在了地上。They released Gul'dan's arms suddenly and the orc warlock was unable to stop himself from crumpling to the ground.