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你不应该粉饰。You shouldn’t whitewash it.

喂,汤姆,让我来刷点儿看看。Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.

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他所说的是一大堆粉饰之词。What he said was a load of whitewash.

我们不能掩饰他的罪行。Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stallin.

不要在众目下涂脂抹粉avoid doing whitewash in full view of the public

难道说我能每天都有机会刷这个栅栏吗?。Do I get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?

反对派声称这份报告文过饰非。The opposition claimed the report was a whitewash.

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鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.

反对党认为这份报告文过饰非不予理会。The opposition dismissed the report as a whitewash.

喂,吉姆,如果你来刷点墙,我就去提水。Say, Jim, I'll fetch the water if you'll whitewash some.

或许这个没怎么洗白,反而是更加反美和反好莱坞。Maybe this is not so much whitewash as anti American and Holywood.

他试图掩盖和粉饰其犯罪行为的嚣张气焰是不可原谅的。The blatancy of his attempt to whitewash the crime was unforgivable.

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汤姆提着一桶石灰水和拿着一把长刷子沿着栅栏出现了。Tom appeared by a fence with a bucket of whitewash and a long brush.

老贝每次亮相前,都要细心地涂脂抹粉一番呢。Berlusconi appeared before each time, something must be careful to whitewash it.

2汤姆出现在人行道上,一只手拎着一桶灰浆,另一只手拿着一把长柄刷子。Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.

中国谴责这部电影妄图“美化日本战争侵略”。China condemned the movie as an attempt to "whitewash Japanese wartime aggression.

一直好像被石灰水弄盲了一样令人生气地把球踢出界外。Annoyingly kept running the ball out of play as if suffering from whitewash blindness.

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往澄清石灰水中通入足量二氧化硫的离子方程式?。Lead into the ion measuring a sulfur dioxide fully to clarification in whitewash equation?

他的脑子一阵旋转,为了掩饰他的窘迫,他想她们问好。The traveler's brain was in a whirl. To whitewash his embarrassment, he said hello to them.

不要允许你们的政府掩盖真相,不要让他们在对你们的奴役中狼狈为奸。Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.