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它以量规值的形式引用MIB的整形数据和量规值。It refers to MIB integer and gauge values as gauge.

你可以拖拽频繁使用的对象来创建你自己的浏览。You can drag and dop frequently used MIB objects to create your own views.

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MIB编译器正是用来将这些信息从文件中提取到计算机内存中去的必要工具。MIB compiler are use to exchange these information from MSB tiles to computer.

提供一种机制轮询第30节信息库中提到的所有变量。A mechanism is provided to support polling of any variable in the Clause 30 MIB.

为使企业能采用统一的方式管理企业信息库中的各种信息资源,则必须实现MIB和企业目录信息树的集成。In order to manage all the information of interprise DIT, we must implement the integration of MIB and the interprise DIT.

本文提出了TMN管理信息模型一致性测试中的类型定义树的概念及其生成算法。In this paper, we propose the basic concepts of TMN MIB conformance test type definition tree and its generation algorithm.

在SNMP的开发部分,通过定义一个用户的私有MIB库和底层封装SNMP报文格式,开发了符合标准SNMP协议的网络监控代理。In the part of SNMP application , a standard SNMP agent is developed by encapsulating SNMP protocol and defining a private MIB base.

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深入分析了这两套标准,探讨了如何实现一个通用的MIF到MIB的转换器,并给出了实现该转换器的优化模块设计图。The two standards are deeply analyzed and the general method of MIF to MIB mapping is discussed. Finally, an optimal module design of the mapping is given.

类型定义树主要是为了解决TMN管理信息模型一致性测试中MOCS属性一致性需求描述的“限制与值”的表示问题。Type definition tree can resolve the problem of the representation of the "Constrains and Value "of MOCS attribute description in TMN MIB conformance test.

在实现DMI与SNMP两种管理框架转换的过程中,最关键的问题是要完成这两个框架中,对于可管节点信息定义的转换,即将DMI中的MIF转换为SNMP中的MIB。The most important question in the shift from DMI to SNMP frame is the mapping of different management information formats, that is from DMI MIF to SNMP MIB.

第二章首先介绍了SNMP协议体系的组成,主要介绍了管理信息库和协议数据单元的内容,然后分析了SNMP消息的工作机制和传输过程。The second chapter firstly introduces the composing of SNMP protocol system, emphasizes the content of MIB and PDU, then analyses the work mechanism and transport course of SNMP messages.

若系统需要置入新的成员设备,即使其MIB版本号与其他任何设备不同,也不会影响管理站对其进行访问。If the system need set new member devices, even if their MIB version numbers are different from those of the other devices, it has no effect on the access of the management station to them.

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通过定义一组有效的MIB变量和一个精简的DTD文档,针对全局级、节点级和变量级不同的访问粒度,提供不同的访问机制。SNMP agent provides different solutions according to different access granularities including the whole level, node level and variable level. Relevant definitions of MIB and DTD are given out.

MIB学员带来多样化的课堂,包括国际大型企业参观、露天课堂、情景模拟等。Professors of Paris Dauphine University, American and British Universities bring diversified class for MIB students, including visiting large international enterprises, outdoor class, simulation etc.