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捏捏耳朵。Pinch your ears.

最后,加一撮盐。Then, add a pinch of salt.

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你为什么捏着鼻子?Why do you pinch your nose?

给理发匠一撮鼻烟。Give the barber a pinch of snuff.

就在这时——“哎呦”,我尖叫起来,“你干嘛捏我?”I screamed. "Why'd you pinch me?"

放少量的盐巴到汤中。Put a pinch of salt into the soup.

他在汤里放了一点点盐。He put a pinch of salt in his shop.

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捏住球节上方的筋腱。Pinch the tendon above the fetlock.

捏紧患者的鼻子。Pinch closed the nose of the victim.

唱片店感到了压力。Record stores are feeling the pinch.

我们现在需要省吃俭用了。We need to pinch pennies these days.

吴妈继续撮合金波和甜甜。Wu Ma to pinch alloy wave and sweet.

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大部分的食物都只要加一点点盐就够了。A pinch of salt is enough for most foods.

宁可换鞋,勿使挤脚。Better change the shoe than pinch the foot.

要是这双鞋夹脚就别买。Dont buy the shoes if they pinch your feet.

我弯下身子轻轻的捏她的胳膊。I lean over and pinch her lightlyon the arm.

请加点奶油和一撮糖。With cream and just a pinch of sugar, please.

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我的皮卡丘高兴地笑当我捏其脸颊。My Pikachu grins happily when I pinch its cheek.

可是吉塔的问题开始刺痛我的良心了。But Geeta's question began to pinch my conscience.

把布打开,可根据个人口味加入适量的盐。Open the cloth and add a pinch of salt if desired.